Pedestrian experience
Have you ever wondered why some people cut across a parking lot to get to a store while others follow the sidewalk? Why there are places where everyone jaywalks, even though a crosswalk is just 100 ft. away? How those narrow walking paths in the grass near the street get made? I am looking for an undergrad student who is willing to help me figure out answers to these questions as part of my thesis research. My name is Farzad Mashhood, a master’s student in Community and Regional Planning in the School of Architecture. My study is looking at how people make their own paths in everyday urban spaces that are often seen as car-oriented with little designed for the pedestrian experience. Researchers would be observing people as they walk in the Rundberg neighborhood of North Austin. I am starting my field research very soon and need someone willing to commit to at least two 2-hour blocks over the course of two weeks, from Oct. 10 to 23. Please email me as soon as you can if you are interested,
Analyzing electroencephalogram (EEG) data
We are seeking motivated students (BA/BSc/MA) who would like to work on biomedical data analysis. The data consists of clinical electrophysiology (EEG) recordings of brain activity from patients diagnosed with epilepsy. The work is aiming to yield a publication, thus co-authorship is one of the incentives. If you need a publication, this is a good project with almost sure success. Working hours are flexible, but we need to achieve set milestones. Regular meetings, but no in-lab times. Click here for more information.
2017 Summer Research Fellowship Program
The Tulane National Primate Research Center is accept applications for the 2017 Summer Research Fellowship Program that will be held June 2, 2017 to August 4, 2017. Please note the application deadline is February 1, 2017. Please see attached program announcement for more specific information. If you need additional information regarding this program, please feel free to contact Jennifer D’Aquin at either (985) 871-6363 or