Daily Archives: February 15, 2017

LAH 102H Writing Fellows Application

Want to be a LAH 102H Writing Fellow for Fall 2017?

(past Writing Fellows also need to apply)


Please put in writing: “What you think a good Writing Fellow does and what a student needs from a good tutor.” If you have been a Writing Fellow in the past, please give some of your specific examples.


Please turn your application in by Friday, February 24, 2017 in the LAH office.  Writing Fellows are expected to attend LAH 102H every Monday from 4- 5:15 and attend the Writing Fellow meeting immediately after class  from 5:15 – 6 pm.


Writing Fellows will have a special opportunity to attend a Writing Workshop, led by Dr. Larry Carver, in Rico, Colorado this summer! The workshop will be July 22nd – July 30th.  LAH will cover your flight to Durango, Colorado, transportation from the airport to Rico, hotel for the entire week, and $30 per day for meals.  Please indicate on your application if you will be available to participate in the workshop.  This is for planning purposes, so only tell us that you’ll be available if you are 100% sure that you are free on those dates. Writing Fellows will not be selected based on their ability to attend the workshop, but they will get priority for participation.


Questions? Please email Stacey or Linda.

LAH Student Hosts Needed March 3rd. Help LAH out and get free food

We are in need of  LAHers to host (overnight) incoming LAH scholarship candidates on Friday, March 3.

We are bringing in 16 finalists for the Dedman Distinguished Scholarship Recruiting weekend and we need LAHers who live in the Honors Quad (preferably) but other campus dorms are fine,  to host a scholarship finalist.  For hosting you would be able to attend a variety of  fun activities we have planned for Friday  (private tour of  the HRC, interactive activity in the honors quad) but especially attend the Lake Austin Fajita boatride and trip to Amy’s ice cream (FREE FOOD). The idea of the weekend is to make the finalists feel welcome, show off UT, and introduce the finalists to UT’s best and brightest students.  That’s YOU!
Your responsibilities would include hosting a finalist in your dorm after the boatride and trip to Amy’s Friday, March 3rd and to bring your finalist to the LAH Office suite on Saturday, March 4 at least 30 minutes before their scheduled interview time.  You would be welcome to hang out in the LAH suite  on Saturday to meet, greet, and eat as long as you are able.

Please email me samorous@austin.utexas.edu  if you are able to help out.