The Provost’s Office is now accepting applications for the 2017 University Co-op/George H. Mitchell Undergraduate Student Awards for Academic Excellence.
Each spring, UT Austin, with the generous support of the University Co-op, recognizes up to five undergraduate students for superior scholarly or creative achievement. Two students receive awards of $2,500 each, two students receive awards of $5,000 each, and one student receives the top award of $12,000.
In addition to the student award, the Provost’s Office provides a concurrent award of half the value of each student’s award to the academic department in which the scholarly work was supervised.
Who can apply for the Mitchell Award?
Nominees must be either a junior or senior currently enrolled at UT Austin or have received their undergraduate degree in December 2016. Students must demonstrate superior scholarly or creative achievement through a notable paper or thesis, research project, creative or artistic endeavor, or other product of the student’s academic work. Submitted work should be finished or close to finished (e.g. a complete draft of a thesis or research paper). Previous Mitchell Award recipients are eligible only if the submitted work is a completely different project.
How to apply for the Mitchell Award:
The application consists of two parts:
(1) the student must submit an online application with four required supporting documents, and
(2) a UT Austin faculty member must submit a letter of nomination for the student
Both the student application and the faculty nomination, with all their supporting materials, must be received by March 22, 2017.
Links to both parts of the application and more information can be found at
If you have any questions, please contact Lydia Cornell at 512-232-3312 or email