Clements Center Events

 Last Week to Apply for the Clements Undergraduate Fellows Program

The Clements Undergraduate Fellows Program is committed to teaching, mentorship, professional development, and research with UT-Austin’s youngest aspiring statesmen and scholars. Fellows will convene monthly throughout the academic year to participate in discussion groups, meet privately with high-profile guest speakers, be mentored by the Clements Center’s affiliated scholars, and exchange ideas on their course projects. Each year also include at least one field tour of a nearby historic site related to diplomatic and military history. Application due April 14th. Details and instructions can be found here.


The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age

The Clements Center is excited to host James Kirchick on April 12th at 12:00pm in the Texas Eastwoods Room UNB 2.102 for a talk on his new book “The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age” (Yale 2017). James Kirchick is a journalist and foreign correspondent currently based in Washington. Additionally, he is a fellow at the Foreign Policy Initiative in Washington, DC. He has reported from Southern and North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, across the European continent, and the Caucasus.