Daily Archives: October 24, 2017

LAH 350: Philanthropy/Non-Profit Orgs Registration

Charitable giving in the United States topped 370 billion dollars in 2016, and over 70% of those dollars came from individual giving. Is this money well spent? Unfortunately, only some charities are effective. This course will cover the scope and diversity of the nonprofit sector, as well as individual patterns of giving and volunteering.  A significant portion of the course will focus on providing students with the tools and skills to evaluate charitable programs for effectiveness using social scientific techniques.

Based on their own evaluations, students will have the opportunity to distribute significant funds, at least $25,000 (provided through The Philanthropy Lab and individual donors), to charitable organizations. Students will be placed into groups that will do extensive research on a category of nonprofits, ultimately deciding which charities will receive funds through discussion and debate.

If you would like to take this new LAH 350 course, please email Dr. Pam Paxton ppaxton@prc.utexas.edu to express your interest.

Apply to the Humanities Honors Program

Humanities Honors: Design Your Path

In the Humanities Program, motivated and curious students develop their own major around their specific interests.  Students blend a range of courses and disciplines connected by a single theme, going beyond the traditional disciplines associated with the Humanities.  Each unique major culminates in a senior-year honors thesis—the student designs a project, conducts in-depth research, and works closely with a faculty supervisor.

To learn more about the Humanities Program and the application process, please come to one of our upcoming information sessions: Tuesday, November 14th at 3:30 pm or Wednesday, November 15th at 11 am in CLA 2.606 (the Normandy Scholars room).   Please RSVP to:  https://goo.gl/forms/qBOGqROMiqwEIVQT2

Spring 2018 LAH Lower Division Courses

Our lower-division honors class list. For access to registration, sign up in the book at the front desk.

ANT 301 30530 Physical Anthropology- Honors Kirk, E

 ANT 307 30725 Culture & Communication-Honors Slotta,J

C C 303 32452 Intro to Classical Mythology-Honors 

E 314L 34325 4-Texts and Contexts-Hon Hines, Z

ECO 304L 33575 Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors (LAH seats reserved) Mostashari, S

GOV 312L XXXXX Issues and Policies in American Govt Roberts To be ADDED Unique number coming soon!

GRG 304E 36825 Enviro Sci Changing World- Honors Meyer, T

HIS 314K 38820 History of Mexican Americans in the US-reserved LAH seats Zamora,E 

HIS 317L 38900 17-Read US History Between Lines-reserved LAH seats Restad

RHE 309S 43665 Crit Reading & Persuasive Writing-W-Honors Harrision, Hannah

SPN 610D 45760 Intermediate Spanish II-Honors Whitehead