Daily Archives: October 26, 2017

Submit to the Texas Undergraduate Research Journal

The University of Texas at Austin Undergraduate Research Journal (Texas URJ) is now accepting submissions for the 2018 volume. We accept original works of any discipline from undergraduate students of the University of Texas. Former students may also submit papers that were fully written during their undergraduate studies, and their work may be considered for publication up until a year after the student graduated.

Every article selected for final publication will appear in the next annual volume of the Undergraduate Research Journal, and each author will receive a printed version of the full journal. Examples of work in past URJ volumes can be found in the Archives.

The deadline for manuscript submission is December 23rd, 2017 at 11:59 pm. The submission form is available online at texasurj.com/submit. Articles will be reviewed on a rolling basis by editors and University faculty of matching research areas.

Please reach out to Shadhi Mansoori at editor.in.chief@texasurj.com with any questions. The Texas URJ Facebook page also posts updates about deadlines and upcoming opportunities.