Registration for Summer and Fall, Advising Appointments, Access times and more…
Registration for both summer and fall begins Monday, April 16 – Friday, April 27. Before you register, you should see Stacey or Linda for advising. Just call 512-471-3458 to set up a time. Don’t email, as it’s too hard to go back and forth choosing a time. Calling is much more efficient.
To check when you register:
The Summer schedule is out now and the Fall schedule will be online Tuesday, April 3.
To secure a seat in a lower-division honors course, you must sign up in the LAH lower-division honors course book. The signup book will be available in the LAH office by Friday, April 6. Come by the LAH office to see what we have!
For any upper-division LAH 350 courses you can just register (no sign up necessary) when it’s your registration access time.
Registration hint: If the upper-division LAH course is cross-listed with your major department, you should register for it under your department. It will still apply towards College Honors. Many departments have signup sheets in their offices (I know Government does) and this guarantees you a seat.
If you haven’t claimed some of your AP classes, here is the web-site for the Center for Teaching and Learning to claim your AP:
And if you still need to take that pesky TX GOV only test to pair with your AP GOV, here is the link for the test and a link for an additional online textbook on Texas Politics:
If you are planning on taking classes somewhere else this summer, please check the Automated Texas Equivalency site (and check with Stacey or Linda too)
ATE web-site: