Diverse Voices: Climate Change and Health – Nov 20

Please join the LAH Diversity Action Committee and the Office of Diversity and Organizational Climate for our next Diverse Voices event featuring Dr. Sharmila Rudrappa on Wednesday, November 20 at 12 PM at the Julius Glickman Conference Center in RLP 1.302 B. The title of her talk is “Climate Change and Health: Observations from Southern India.

Dr. Rudrappa researches and teaches about reproductive justice, labor markets, and gender. She has previously written on Indian software workers in the U.S. and global surrogacy in India. Her broader work is on what she calls “markets in life,” which covers her research on labor markets and infertility assistance, and the impacts of climate change on global health.

Please bring your lunch and join us for Dr. Rudrappa exciting presentation. You can RSVP here: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0qPcj7i4VAQd0Kp

When: Wednesday, November 20
Time: 12 PM – 1 PM
Where: RLP 1.302 B