During the transition to online learning, and throughout the Spring 2020 semester, the University of Texas at Austin’s Sanger Learning Center is here to support students. Below is a list of the free academic support services we are offering remotely and how students can access them.
Would you help us spread the word? A brief mention in an appointment or email has a great influence on students’ awareness of campus resources like ours:
Learning Specialist Appointments
Meet one-on-one with a Learning Specialist to talk about time management, test prep, study effectiveness, motivation, and more. When you schedule the appointment, please indicate in the notes whether you would prefer to meet via Zoom or phone.
Appointment Tutoring
Schedule a one-hour Zoom session with one of our trained peer tutors. We offer tutoring for more than 70 courses in everything from Math to Management Information Science.
Public Speaking Center Has your public speaking assignment been transformed into an online presentation? Schedule a one-hour Zoom consultation, individually or as a team, with a trained peer speech consultant to prepare or rehearse for any public speaking event or assignment.
Drop-In Tutoring
For brief, on-demand help with many lower-division math, chemistry, and physics courses, email us between the hours of 11 a.m.–10 p.m. M–Th, 11 a.m.-–3 p.m. on Fridays, and 5 p.m.–10 p.m. on Sunday. Tutors will be standing by via Zoom starting April 6.
Supplemental Instruction
Join a structured study session led by a TA or an experienced student who has already been successful in the class. Check to see if your course is supported, and find the Zoom link on your class’s Canvas calendar.
Peer Led Undergraduate Studying (PLUS)
Keep in touch with your classmates through a structured PLUS study group. For most PLUS-supported courses, study groups will resume the week of April 5. Check your course’s Canvas announcements for the Zoom link.
Math Reviews
When it comes to math midterms and finals, you don’t have to go it alone! Math exam reviews will continue via Zoom, but dates may have shifted. Check the schedule and RSVP to receive problem sets and Zoom meeting info.
Stay motivated with virtual workshops such as Study Smarter Not Harder, Time and Procrastination, Reading for College, Public Speaking, or Winning Finals. Check the schedule and RSVP to receive Zoom meeting info.
Students are encouraged to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.