The DHLab@GS continues its online DH events series DHLunch@GS (program and registration here:
The event is free to join via Zoom, everybody welcome!
The Fall 2021 sessions:
- Oct 5, 1-2pm
Edward Larkey, Ibrahim Er, Landry Digeon (University of Maryland)
Cross-Cultural Screen Analysis: The Journey from German Studies to Intercultural Digital Humanities
[Please register through Zoom: ] - Nov 16, 1-2pm
Sally Chambers (Ghent University)
Experimenting with Collections as Data in Europe: a Belgian experience?
[Please register through Zoom: ] - Nov 18, 1-2pm
Berenike Herrmann (Bielefeld University), Jana Lüdtke (Freie Universität Berlin)
Computational sentiment analysis of children’s literature
[Please register through Zoom: ]