Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government & Public Service is hosting an online Public Service Weekend Oct 29-30 for those interested in learning about and preparing for careers in public service. Specifically, undergraduate students from Texas universities who exhibit leadership skills, support diversity, and have self-identified as future public servants interested in related fields are encouraged to attend:
Nonprofits * Government at all levels (agencies and elected offices) * Women, Peace & Security *
INGOs * Pandemic Preparedness * National Defense * Homeland Security * Cybersecurity *
Intelligence * Diplomacy * Int’l Economics * Int’l Politics * Int’l Economic Development *
Policy Areas in Education, Health, the Environment * Regional Studies * and more!
What: Public Service Weekend
When: Friday, Oct 29 (about 2:30-6:15 PM) and Saturday, Oct 30 (10:00 AM-12:45 PM)
It’s OK to just attend part of it as needed; we’ll send an agenda soon
Where: Online via Zoom
How: Click here to REGISTER by Oct 26
Submit the form above and a resume. We will send reminders and Zoom links a few days before the event.
Content: SERVICE-MINDED attendees will hear about public service careers and what benefits they offer, participate in a career workshop, attend breakout sessions over various career sectors, join a faculty-led discussion, have Q&A opportunities with an alumni panel and current students panel, learn the graduate admissions timeline and how to be a competitive grad school applicant, and receive information on how grad school funding works.
Fuel your passion for public service while learning the next steps to take from professionals who live it!
Still have questions? View our PSW 2021 Flyer or visit our PSW website. You can also contact us directly; we’ll be glad to help.