FYE Mentor Recruitment! Spring Semester Edition!

Interested in helping new Longhorns tackle the same challenges you faced? Gain leadership experience, help connect students with campus resources, spread UT spirit and traditions, and earn some extra money by applying to be a First-Year Interest Group (FIG) Mentor!

The application is now available online. More information about the position and commitment is posted on our website.

FIG Mentor Info: https://ugs.utexas.edu/fig/mentors/applying

The deadline to apply for Fall 2022 is March 25, 2022. For NEW Mentors both the application and two recommendation forms must be submitted by the deadline. The recommendation form can be filled out by a UT student leader, staff, or faculty member. They must have a UT EID. Students currently enrolled in FIGs are advised to ask their facilitator to fill out one of their recommendation forms.

Please email fig@austin.utexas.edu with any questions.