Dear Longhorn researchers,
Rice University is once again hosting the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium (GCURS) in Houston this fall; interested students can apply at This year, the symposium will be on Saturday, Oct. 8.
GCURS provides undergraduate researchers the opportunity to present original research discoveries to scholars from around the world. Participants give 10-to-15-minute individual presentations which include a question-and-answer period. Following the presentations, faculty mentors provide feedback to each student. Past participants have shared that GCURS helps to foster interdisciplinary, intercollegiate fellowship. Here is a video overview of the symposium – it’s high-energy, exciting, and presenters get a lot of value out of it.
Accommodations are provided to accepted participants traveling to Houston from outside the area, and limited travel awards are available. In addition, students are encouraged to explore funding opportunities from their home institution.
The application is now open and the deadline is Sept. 1.
Robert V. Reichle, Ph.D. (he/him/his) (
For more information: Flyer GCURS 22-6