Interpersonal Violence Peer Support program

I’m reaching out as we are getting ready to begin recruitment for the Interpersonal Violence Peer Support (IVPS) program on Monday, January 9th. I wanted to pass along this opportunity for student engagement and development so it can be shared amongst ACA members.


IVPS Peer supporters offer private, peer-based support to discuss questions, concerns and experiences regarding an incident of interpersonal violence. IVPS Peer Supporters are trained to listen and work with students respectfully in whatever decision they make, while also reviewing students’ rights and options regarding the Title IX reporting and investigation process, as well as offering referrals for on and off campus resources. Peer Supporters are not mandated to report to Title IX. Students can apply for IVPS here.

This opportunity offers students:

  • A deeper understanding of a variety of topics important to college students, including Title IX policies and processes, support resources, prevention, intervention and more,
  • Agency to positively influence their peers and campus,
  • Practice building public speaking, group facilitation and interpersonal communication skills,
  • A platform to advocate for a healthier campus and create change in a meaningful way,
  • Professional development and leadership skills, and
  • Work as part of a supportive team.