Applications are now open for the 2023 Hastings Center Summer Bioethics Program for undergraduate students from groups underrepresented in bioethics. These groups include and are not limited to communities of color, Indigenous communities, rural residents, and students with disabilities.
The five-day live online program will take place from June 12-16, 2023 (11 am-5 pm ET). Participants will have the opportunity to engage with distinguished scholars from around the country and learn about theoretical and applied issues in bioethics. Participants will develop skills in clarifying, explaining and justifying their views on topics in bioethics, and in listening with respect to divergent views. Students who complete all program requirements will receive a stipend of $500. Application deadline: March 29 at 11:59 pm ET. Learn more and apply here.
Faculty referrals are crucial to connecting qualified applicants with this opportunity. Please share this information with current undergraduates and fellow instructors. Thank you.