LAH Lower-Division Course Sign-Up Book Available & Registration Tips

Registration for Spring Begins October 24-November 4.  Before you register, you should see us for advising. Just call 471-3458 to set up a time with Linda or Stacey. Don’t email us, as it’s too hard to go back and forth choosing a time. Calling is much more efficient.

The lower-division honors course sign up  book is now available. To secure a seat in a lower-division honors course, you must sign up in the book. Come by the LAH office to see what we have!

Upper-Division LAHers, Remember that for any upper-division LAH course (LAH 350s)  you can register on your own as long as you have close to 60 hours and a 3.5 gpa. IF you are pursuing a dual degree in another college,you  will need to contact us during your registration time to be manually added into the class if the class is open.

Registration tip: for upper-division cross-listed LAH courses, it might be easier to register for the class under it’s cross-listing. Especially Government/LAH 350. If you are a Government major, and want an LAH 350 class that is cross-listed, you should go to the Government department to be added into the class. It will still count towards LAH under it’s cross-listing.

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