The Texas Undergraduate Law Review would like to cordially invite you to our Fall 2012 Information Session meeting.
TexasULR Info Session
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
CBA 4.344
Started in 2011 by a collaboration between pre-law community leaders at The University of Texas at Austin (including several LAHers!), the objective of the Texas Undergraduate Law Review is to enhance the reading, writing, and rhetoric abilities of undergraduate students through introducing them to the field of undergraduate research in the contemporary legal issues facing our generation. We are a student-edited and officially recognized research organization at UT Austin and will be publishing nationally throughout the year.
This is a perfect opportunity to turn that in-class research paper into something that will get you published and help you ‘stand out’ from the rest of the applicants to law school.
Additionally, we are currently seeking candidates to fill current vacancies on the Editorial Board, don’t miss out on the opportunity to become a leader in the pre-law community at UT Austin!
For more information, or to be included on our weekly email listserv, email or visit for more details about how YOU can get involved and get better prepared for law school today!