The University Honors Center is would like to let you know about a special abstract writing workshop we are presenting with the Undergraduate Writing Center as part of Research Week and to promote The Undergraduate Awards. Below is a blurb suitable for your department’s student newsletter or social media sites, as well as information about the Awards:
Abstract Writing Workshop and Undergraduate Awards Information Session 4/18
The University Honors Center and the Undergraduate Writing center will be hosting an abstract-writing workshop for students who are interested in applying for The Undergraduate Awards. There will also be a brief information session about the Awards. Interested students will have the opportunity to learn about best practices for presenting their original research or academic projects in an abstract. This important skill is valuable for all those considering pursing or submitting their works to all number awards, conferences and journals, in addition to The Undergraduate Awards. The workshop will held as part of Research Week on Thursday, April 18 from 11am – 12pm in FAC 328.
The Undergraduate Awards recognize the world’s top undergraduate research projects from a variety of academic disciplines spanning the humanities, sciences, and visual arts. Open to final and penultimate year undergraduates, students are invited to submit research essays or special projects completed as part of their coursework that present fresh ideas and new arguments. Assessed by an international panel of academics, winning students will have their work published in the Undergraduate Awards Journal and be invited to attend the UA Summit—a 3 day conference in Dublin, Ireland.
Eligible papers must meet the following criteria:
- Received a grade of A
- Between 1750 – 5000 words (up to 20,000 for Math & Physical Sciences)
- Accompanied by a 300 word abstract
- Submitted by students in their penultimate or final year
Students looking for more information should visit
Deadline for submissions is May 24, 2013.
If you have any questions, please contact The University Honors Center at