This event is designed to increase awareness of the diversity of careers in technology and to promote self efficacy for female students considering technical fields.
SHE++ Documentary and Women in Tech Speakers – Sponsored by AT&T – food served
hosted by the UT ASIS&T and AWIT (Advocating for Women in Technology)
Tue, February 4, 2014
6:00 – 7:00 pm
UT School of Information, UTA Building, 1st Floor, Room 1.208
Please RSVP at this link:
she++: The Documentary (12 min: TV-14 DL) energetically proclaims ‘Hello, World’ after following smart, creative, and trailblazing technologists hard at work in hi-tech. This short documentary collects research and inspirational pieces of Silicon Valley’s unsung heroes to galvanize us to explore our potential as ‘femgineers’. Written and directed by recent Stanford University good girls gone geek, Ayna Agarwal and Ellora Israni.
After the documentary, we will have local women speak about their experiences working in the hi-tech industry:
Sara Haynes, Director, Product Management, PeopleAdmin
Katherine Cranford, Knowledge Management/Taxonomy, Dell
Kimmie Farrington, Data Scientist, Clockwork Solutions
Andrea Richeson, COO and User Experience Director, TradeMark Media
Courtney Jeffries, Product Manager, Indeed
Tracy Reindel, Product Manager at PeopleAdmin