NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is calling all UT-Austin students from any background and disciplines to participate in the 2014 Space Mission Design Challenge. Submit a one-page summary of your idea to fly in space by March 31st to and include “UTSMDC2014” in your email subject line. Only requirement for your concept is to either be science driven or have a technology demonstration objective. Include science or technical objectives and how they are achieved, mission destination, architecture, and why the concept is novel and innovative.
If chosen, you will have the opportunity to first work with UT Aerospace Engineering students to develop your concept, then with JPL/NASA engineers and scientists to further mature your concept and possibly propose to NASA. The top two teams will fly out to JPL/NASA in Pasadena, CA for a two-day design session with JPL engineers and scientists.
To learn more about the 2014 JPL Space Mission Design Challenge, attend the JPL info session on Monday February 17th, 2014 in WRW 102 from 5:00-6:30pm.