Dear Students,
E 316K, Masterworks of Literature, will be replaced by four new courses this fall. As you plan your remaining coursework, know that three of these new options will generally carry required flags (see below). Most importantly, any of the old or new E 316 courses will satisfy the Humanities requirement in the Core Curriculum:
316L, British Literature (usually offered with a Global Cultures flag)
316M, American Literature (usually offered with a Cultural Diversity in the United States flag)
316N, World Literature (usually offered with a Global Cultures flag)
316P, Masterworks of Literature
We’re also pleased to announce the creation of a Creative Writing Certificate, intended for any UT-Austin student interested in advanced study of creative writing. For information about the program, please visit our undergraduate Creative Writing website. Applications are due April 10th.
Creative Writing courses will continue to be offered for non-certificate students, as well. These will be listed with summer English (E) offerings, but will migrate to Creative Writing (CRW) in the fall Course Schedule. CRW 325M, Creative Writing, will be our primary fall offering for non-certificate students; it is appropriate as a first creative writing course for any student who has completed E 316, though students with credit for E 315F (Fiction Writing) or 315P (Poetry Writing) should not enroll in CRW 325M.
Please direct any questions about E 316 or Creative Writing to the English Advising Office (512.471.5736, Parlin 114, Good luck with your registration!
English Advising