The Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) provides up to $1,000 in support for specific scholarly research projects conducted by full-time UT undergraduate students enrolled in any department. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research with support from the academic colleges, these fellowships are intended to cover costs associated with academic research projects proposed and written by student applicants and undertaken with the supervision of a university tenured or tenure-track faculty member, lecturer, senior lecturer or full-time research scientist/engineer. Some restrictions apply.
Find out more and submit your application by Sept. 30, 11:59 p.m.
OUR Fall Info Sessions Sept. 6 – Dec. 3
Mondays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in FAC 332
Exceptions Sept. 9, Nov. 18 in FAC 330
Tuesdays from 1 to 2 p.m. in FAC 330
Exceptions Sept. 17, Oct. 22 in FAC 332
Would you like to have your research profiled on our social media accounts?
Students who participate in undergraduate research represent the diversity of research happening across campus at UT Austin. We want to help the university showcase that vast diversity by sharing your stories. If you’d like to be profiled, submit your application here. Undergrad researchers of all majors are encouraged to submit an application.
You can follow our social media for updates on deadlines, info sessions, meetups, and workshops, as well as behind the scenes looks at undergrads doing research from our OUR undergrad ambassadors!
IG: OUR_UTAustin, Twitter: OUR_UTAusint, FB: OURUTAustin