Call for Submissions!

Past in Process is an undergraduate-run journal from The University of Texas at Austin. We will be accepting submissions starting December 1st in all areas and traditions of historical studies.

 We are committed to fostering diverse voices that are not always heard in historical studies. To achieve this ideal, we aim to create opportunities for undergraduate students across disciplines and areas to engage with history and to publish their research in different formats. We strongly encourage women and persons of color to submit and welcome submissions across different periods and regions. Our staff consists of a multicultural group of undergraduate students working across various disciplines. We are committed to fostering diverse voices that are not always heard in historical studies.

Please send your best essays to the Past in Process Submission Form to be considered. Deadlines for blog posts are rolling and all other submissions must be submitted by February 15th. Submissions guidelines are as follows:

  • Articles must be Microsoft Office .doc or .docx, or Google Docs
  • Online Publication: 800-2,000 Words
  • Print Publication: 2,000 + Words
  • See for additional requirements 

Additional Inquiries:

We look forward to reading your submissions!