Queer & Trans Student Alliance

The Queer & Trans Student Alliance is an agency of Student Government that exists to foster advocacy, equity, and inclusion within the LGBTQIA+ community at UT. Beyond advocacy, we aim to create a welcoming space for any LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals to create a community through various initiatives and social events. In addition to hosting major events for queer students at UT, such as the Queer & Trans Conference, we also hold two socials a semester for lgbtqia+ folks, as well as weekly meetings.

Ways to get involved
· In addition to our major events and socials that we have every semester, we also have weekly meetings, in RLP 0.106 on Wednesdays from 6-7 (starting September 8th). Masks will be required in meetings! These meetings are a space for all lgbtqia+ to work on qtsa initiatives while also fostering a social space with one another! Most meetings will have food!
· Become an officer! While it is not required to be an officer whatsoever, it’s a great way to get more involved! Everyone is welcome to apply! Our application can be found at tinyurl.com/applyQTSA
· Follow us on social media for updates @/texasqtsa on instagram and twitter
· Join our slack at https://tinyurl.com/joinQTSA

For more information, check out our latest instagram post, full of information, here!

We hope to see you involved in QTSA this year!

The QTSA Team