We rescheduled Kate Brooks’ talk “Marketing Your Liberal Arts Degree and Finding Internships” for Tuesday, Feb 15 from 4 – 4:45 pm in the Third Floor Gebauer Conference room.
This event is open all LAH and Humanities students. First Year LAHers, please remember you are required to attend two Career Week Events. If you did not make it to two events last week, now is your chance to be inspired for the great internship search!
Time: 4:00 – 4:45pm
Location: GEB 3rd Floor Conference Room
The workshop will feature Kate Brooks, author of You Majored in What? and Director of Liberal Arts Career Services. Her talk will focus on resources and services available through Liberal Arts Career Services and a discussion of how your Honors Degree in Liberal Arts relates to the professional world and suggested ways to market your knowledge and skills to potential employers.