Inspire: Empowering Texas Women Leaders, a leadership program sponsored by the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies for undergraduate women at UT, is looking for undergraduate and graduate students, of any major and gender, to perform in a theater production that will be composed of an array of monologues regarding:
Sexual Identity
Gender Identity
Body and body image
Culture as it relates to dating, relationships, or sex
Dating experiences
Relationship Experiences (i.e. family, romantic, or friendships)
We particularly need individuals, fluent in a native (or home, or first) language that is not English. We’re looking for them to write a 5-10 minute monologue in their first language that covers one of the listed topics above. We need people who are comfortable performing, and who can commit to at least one weekend of shows in April (date and time TBD). However, potential performers do not have to be experienced. If this is your first time every performing, that is fine, we are simply looking for motivated people to help us out!
We are in the early stages of planning and organizing this theater event as means to raise funds for the Inspire program. We would definitely appreciate any volunteers to make this production possible! If you are looking for a unique and fun experience as a volunteer, this will be a great opportunity.
If you are interested please come by PAR 214 this Thursday, Feb. 17th at 5:30, for more information regarding the production. We are very excited about this project and we hope to have a diverse set of performers to break the silence regarding the complexities and difficulties dealing with gendered identity development, sexuality, relationship experiences, navigating different cultures and languages, etc.
If you have any questions please contact Ganiva Reyes, Thank you!