Undergraduate Philosophy Association

The Undergraduate Philosophy Association is hosting “Time and Paradox”
in the Legislative Assembly Room (Student Activity Center 2.302) on
April 8, 2011 at 6:00PM. Prof. Josh Dever and Prof. Rob Koons will
debate some issues in the Philosophy of Time. This is a free event and
everyone is invited to attend!

The Jose Benardete’s Grim Reaper paradox is a modern version of the
ancient paradoxes of Zeno, one that raises question on a couple
levels. First, do periods of time have infinitely many real parts, or
is there something deeply finitary about the flow of time? Second, on
a meta-level: can metaphysical arguments tell us something important
about time, or should we refer all questions about the nature of time
to physics?

Contact upatexas@gmail.com or visit sites.utexas.edu/upa

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