Author Archives: amorous

Pre-Law Presentation March 1st, 3:45-5:00pm RSVP required

Law School: What You Need to Know to Go

Topics include how to prepare, how to apply and whether or not to go.

You’ll also hear a former lawyer’s perspective on the law school experience.

Thursday, March 1  3:45pm – 5pm UTC 1.104

RSVP as space is limited:

Co-Sponsored by:

College of Natural Sciences Career Design Center

Communication Career Services

Liberal Arts Career Services

Sanger Learning & Career Center

LAH Evening at The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Tuesday March 20 RSVP

Mr. Mark Updegrove, Director of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, is inviting students in the Liberal Arts Honors Program to attend a special event on the evening of Tuesday, March 20th.   The date marks the publication of Mr. Updegrove’s third book on the American presidency, Indomitable Will: LBJ in the Presidency and will feature a discussion of the book and of President’s Johnson presidency by three who worked for President Johnson:  Larry Temple (a Special Assistant), Tom Johnson (held various positions in the Johnson administration), and Harry McPherson (President Johnson’s chief speech writer from 1966 – 1968).  The event will take place in the LBJ Library Auditorium, 6:00 to 7:00 pm.  LAH students will have an opportunity to talk with the panel members, beginning at 5:30 pm.

LAH will be buying five copies of Mr. Updegrove’s book, and those attending will be entered into a drawing to receive an autographed copy.  If you plan to attend, please  rsvp by e-mail to Dr. Carver ( by Friday, March 2.

Semester in LA Program Application Now Open for 2012-13


If you are interested in participating in the UT Semester in Los Angeles program, please note: the online application for fall 2012, spring and summer 2013 is now open! The application will close on Wednesday, February 29, 2012. Log in with your UT EID and start your application today!

The program is open to all UT students who are passionate about film, television, music or digital arts, and are interested in exploring related careers in the entertainment industry. Students earn UT in-residence credit.

Applicants must be currently enrolled degree-seeking students in good standing who have:

• A minimum of 60 credit hours and a minimum GPA of 2.25 by the semester of participation;

• RTF 305 “Intro to Media Studies,” or equivalent, by the semester of participation.


Or, call the UTLA Center, toll free, at 877-875-2111

New FAFSA Priority Filing Deadline: March 15

FYI for LAHers:

Filing FAFSAs by March 15 ensures that OSFS gets timely access to the data it needs to evaluate prospective and current students’ eligibility for more than $220 million a year in federal and state grants, low-interest loans, and work-study jobs.  A press release issued today to media contacts across Texas provides more detail.

OSFS will host seven FAFSA completion sessions beginning next month.  The counselors will be available in MEZ 2.120 during these sessions to help students fully and accurately complete their FAFSAs.

Foot in the Door Auditions January 24 and 25

Auditions for Foot in the Door’s 2012 spring season:

DOUBT by John Patrick Shanley
Directed by Colin McLaughlin

Directed by Emily Neie


LIFE X 3 by Yasmina Reza
Directed by Kelsi Tyler
Assistant Directed by Allison Dillon and Lee Henry

Auditions will be held:

Tuesday January 24 in WEL 3.502 at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday January 25 in WEL 1.308 at 7:00 p.m.

No preparation necessary
Non-actors are encouraged to stop by and apply for technical positions
For more information about the play/characters, feel free to email

James “Rhio” O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest

The James “Rhio” O’Connor Memorial Scholarship Fund is offering its scholarship again this year.  It is an essay contest open to all college students.  The essay subject concerns cancer and the scholarships are $5,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place.  Students can receive more information and request an application packet at this website:

LAH Spring Luncheon for All LAHers January 17 11:30-1:30

Happy New Year LAHers!

LAHSC and the LAH office will host the Spring 2012 Back to School LAH Luncheon Tuesday, January 17 from 11:30-1:30 in the new SAC Ballroom.  Come by between classes to grab some good food and good conversation with fellow LAHers, faculty, and staff. Please rsvp to just so we know how much food to order.  See you all there.