Author Archives: amorous

Important Dates for Spring

Dear LAHers,

Good luck with finals and have a safe, happy, and fun Winter Break. Make sure to mark down these important dates for the spring semester.

January 5 Thursday 5:00 pm: Tuition payment deadline for undergraduate students who registered for the spring semester by November 4. Tuition may be paid in full or in installments.

January 9 Monday Add/drop for the spring semester for students who have registered and paid their tuition.

January 10 Tuesday Registration for the spring semester for new and readmitted students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 13; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 20.

January 11 Wednesday Registration for the spring semester for continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration, undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 13; graduate and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 20.

January 12-13 Thursday–Friday Add/drop for the spring semester for students who registered and paid their tuition before January 5.

Registration for the spring semester for new, readmitted, and continuing students who have not yet registered. To complete registration undergraduate students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 13; graduate students and law students must pay tuition by 5:00 pm on January 20.

January 13 Friday 5:00 pm: Tuition bills due for undergraduate students who have registered but not paid.

January 17 Tuesday Classes begin & LAH Back to Semester Luncheon for ALL LAHers!

Ransom Reading Books Are In!

Books for Ransom Reading Groups are in. Stop by the LAH office to pick up your book before Christmas break. If you have not yet signed up for an RRG, check out the list of books and professors here:
You may now sign up for more than one group, but remember that you must attend the discussion if you are signed up. They will take place at the beginning of next semester

Autry Fellowship at MDC for recent College Grads

The Autry Fellowship is a competitive fellowship for talented and ambitious recent college graduates interested in careers in community change and social equity. It provides an opportunity to work for one year at MDC as a full-time, paid staff member. The Autry Fellowship supports MDC’s mission—to help organizations and communities close the gaps that separate people from opportunity—by developing a cadre of young leaders who have experience promoting economic development, increasing equity and excellence in education, building inclusive civic cultures, and who are poised and ready to apply their new learning to benefit those left behind.

The ideal Autry Fellow is open-minded and compassionate, curious and reflective, and deeply committed to advancing social equity and opportunity. The Autry Fellow is afforded a unique opportunity for experiential learning within an organization that is more than 45 years old. The Fellow begins by working directly with staff on our existing projects, exploring a variety of approaches to creating opportunity, and goes deeper into those approaches that most interest him or her. One Fellow worked to create EITC Carolinas, a program to help low-income families connect with tax credits, others have facilitated conference sessions, written op-ed articles, designed an online equity resource center, and worked with the MDC team to guide the strategic direction of foundations, among many other projects.

Qualifications include:

·         the ability to communicate and work with people who have diverse backgrounds and experiences

·         the capacity to understand complex economic and social issues and communicate those issues clearly and persuasively

·         commitment to MDC’s mission

·         prior work, study, or service in a variety of relevant areas, including public policy, education, economic and workforce development, poverty alleviation, sociology, political science, Southern studies, community development, leadership development, or a similar field

·         demonstration of leadership potential in the areas of interest

·         United States residency

·         candidates must be in their final years of undergraduate studies or have graduated within two years from any accredited four-year college or university

MDC is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Durham, NC. Founded in 1967 to identify and help remove barriers to progress in the South, MDC has been publishing research and developing policies and programs focused on expanding opportunity, reducing poverty, and building inclusive civic cultures for more than 45 years.

The application deadline for the Autry Fellowship is Monday, January 16, 2012. For more information on this year’s application process, see, or contact Max Rose, 2011-2012 Autry Fellow, at

Intercollegiate Studies Institute Conference

Intercollegiate Studies Institute is pleased to announce the 2012-2013 Undergraduate Honors Program, “American Exceptionalism.”

The Honors Program consists of an all-expenses-paid, week-long conference in the historic city of Richmond, Virginia, July 15-21, 2012, and personal mentoring from leading professors across the country throughout the academic year. You can learn all the details by visiting Please note the applications must be postmarked by January 17, 2012.

Undergraduates who may be interested in this distinguished and exciting program, more information can be found at the website above. You may also email Will O’Hara at or call (302) 524 6121. A brochure with rich information on the program can be found here:

Ransom Reading Group Google Doc Sign-Up

Ransom Reading Groups are professor-led book discussions that bring together Liberal Arts Honors students and some of UT’s finest faculty. Students who sign up for a reading group will receive a FREE COPY of the book thanks to the generosity of the Co-op. Read the book over winter break, then start your spring semester off with a lively book discussion and Tiff’s Treats. Follow the link below to sign up  today.
Please sign up for only one, as space is limited and we want everyone to have the chance to participate. If there are some spaces still available before you leave for winter-break, then you can sign up for another group.

LAHSC Mentor/Mentee Red Mango Fundraiser

Liberal Arts Honors Student Council is hosting a Mentoring Social at Red Mango on Thursday, November 17th! Come out from 7:00-10:00pm to the Red Mango (at the Quarters), 2222 Rio Grande, and catch up with your mentees/mentors, ask questions about finals and support LAHSC buy purchasing FroYo and Smoothies. Just mention LAHSC during your purchase. Also, we ask that everyone go to the Red Mango facebook profile: and write “LAHSC LOVES RED MANGO!” For every 10 posts, LAHSC gets an extra 1%, so please take a minute to help your student council, regardless of your ability to attend. Hope to see you all there!

Student Environmental Lobby Day, Wednesday, Nov. 16

Let’s move past occupying city hall and onto occupying the offices of our represented officials in the name of clean energy!  Please join the Lonestar Chapter of the Sierra Club as we host Student Environmental Lobby Day on Wednesday, November 16.

The Sierra Club will be organizing students from campuses Austin-wide to meet with local, state, and federal representatives to move Austin beyond coal and towards clean energy.  Student Environmental Lobby Day will be a two day event, with a training session on the night of the 15, and Lobby Day on the 16.  Food will be provided.

For more information email Ben Wollam at or visit their Facebook page

Event for Honors Students (plus free books!) Nov. 10, 7:00pm

Next Thursday, the Joynes Reading Room will host novelist and short story writer Anthony Doerr, who will read from his new story collection, Memory Wall. Doerr is the prize-winning author of two collections of short stories, a novel, and a chronicle of his year in Rome. He is also a science columnist for the Boston Globe. We have a small number of free books by Doerr, which we will give away to honors students who plan to attend the reading. To claim the free books, students can inquire at the Joynes Reading Room front desk.
“These stories come from all over, from South Africa, Germany, Lithuania, China and several parts of the United States, and the local detail is always scrupulously and vividly rendered, but Doerr’s method in every one is to take us away from our usual lives and then slowly, insidiously, bring us back closer to home.” —from Terrence Rafferty’s review of Memory Wall in the New York Times

When: 7PM Thursday, Nov 10
Where: Joynes Reading Room, Carothers building, 2501 Whitis Ave on the UT Campus
Public Parking: UTSAG garage at the corner of 25th street and San Antonio Street
For more information, call 471-5787

Summer Study Abroad Opportunity in Botswana

Summer I Faculty -Led Study Abroad in Botswana. Open to any major (especially bright LAHers who like to camp)

Where: Ghanzi and Maun, Botswana, including the Centeral Kalahari Game Reserve and the Okavango Delta

When: Arrive Maun, Botswana (MUB) by May 23rd at 2pm. Depart for Austin July 5 (return in time for UT’s second summer session)

Why: Immersion into other environments and cultures teach us about other systems… and our own! One course will focus on climate change, ecology, and savanna/wetland systems, the other culture-environment interactions, people-park conflicts and land management.

How to apply: for general information on all programs and scholarships. (including the LAH SAB scholarship); for Botswana specifics email Dr. Kelley Crews at and be sure to visit:

Deadline to apply is December 1