Author Archives: amorous

LAH Fall Info Session Ambassadors Needed

I need a couple of LAHers to volunteer to serve as LAH Student Ambassadors to meet and greet prospective students and their families at our LAH Information Sessions this fall semester. Your responsibilities would be to speak with our guests about your experiences in LAH, UT, dorm life, etc..  basically everything about being a student at UT and in LAH. The sessions begin Friday, September 11 from 9:00-11:00 (first hour is with students and parents, second hour just with parents)  in the LAH  Commons Room and run every Monday and Friday until November, 23.   If you can make it for both days great! If not, that’s ok as long as I have other student representatives.  You can also come for the first hour 9:00-10:00  or 10:00-11:00 or stay for both  Please email me: if you are interested. Thanks!

LAH Office Volunteers Needed!


We are looking for some volunteers for the Fall semester.  If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours each week in the fall,  you’ll have the opportunity to chat with current students, prospective students, get free food and a chance to get to know everyone else in the office better. Job duties include answering the phone, greeting visitors, collecting mail, making copies and running errands as needed.  We do rely heavily on our volunteers, so showing up on time and taking the position seriously is important.

Times we need volunteers: Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00-9:00amFridays 9:00-11:00. Get your morning started in the LAH office.

Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 and 3:00-5:00 and Thursdays 11:00-5:00.(time can be split among volunteers)

If you are interested in covering the desk for at least an hour block, please email Mary Cone.

Include your name, EID and hours you are able to volunteer.

Part-time Job for Energetic (kid loving) LAHer with his/her own car

LAHers, I am looking for an energetic, dependable individual with a safe/dependable car a to pick up my daughter, Julia, from school  (M-F) in the fall and hopefully in the spring  too.  Some days may require staying with her an hour or so to help her stay on task for home-work.  Making math fun would be a bonus.
There is another mother who would like her son to be picked up as well (they live two houses down). It would only require dropping him off.

We are in Central Austin and Julia and Roan will attend Lamar Middle School off of Burnet Road and 2222. The school is 2 miles from the house, so it’s just a bit too far for them to walk home everyday. Pick up at 3:30. Pay would be $13.00 an hour.  Position could be shared by two individuals if class schedule only allows for M W F or T TH pick up. Please email me if you are interested.

Interested in Volunteering for LAH Orientation? Sign up to attend Info Session May 12th

Are you interested in volunteering at this summer’s LAH orientations? If the answer is yes, sign up to attend a LAH Summer Orientation Peer Adviser meeting on May 12th from 3-5pm. Food will be provided!
Volunteering entails helping advise incoming LAH freshman with their fall schedules on one day, and then helping them register the next day. You don’t have to be available for both days or even the entire summer.
We are flexible!  You can just sign up for the days and times that work in your schedule.

We would like to have at least 4-5 peer advisers throughout the entire day of pre-advising.

Sign up to attend the Info Meeting here. 

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY — Texas Civil Rights Project– Part Time Administrative Assistant


TCRP seeks an individual with initiative, creativity, and commitment to grassroots community building to support legal work for immigrant victims of domestic violence.  Start date in mid-May. This position is part time (20-30 hours a week).

Primary Duties: assist in administrative capacity in helping file applications under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA); maintain client communication; recruit and manage volunteers; assist in maintaining client database and templates; assist in compiling and analyzing grant reports; compile and maintain resource library; manage basic IT support; maintain and organize closed files; order and maintain office supplies.

Qualifications: must be fluent in Spanish and English (written and spoken); typing and computer skills required; ability to plan and meet annual targets required; ability to work in fast-paced environment; strong organization skills.

Salary: Hourly rate of $12 – $17. Generally informal work setting with colleagues dedicated to social justice. TCRP is an equal opportunity employer.

Applicants must submit a cover letter, résumé, two professional references and a writing sample to Jennifer Aronson, Texas Civil Rights Project, 1405 Montopolis Drive, Austin, TX 78741.  Or via fax at 512-474-0726 or email at jaronson.tcrp@  Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Applicants will be considered on an incoming basis.

LAH Literary Journal- Echo Release Party Friday, April 24 at 4:00

This year’s Echo release party will be held Friday, April 24 at 4:00 in the Liberal Arts Honors conference room in the CLA! Come by to pick up your copy of Echo and enjoy some delicious food with us. Stay and chat about creative writing and browse previous issues of Echo as well. If you are unable to join us for the release party, feel free to stop by the LAH conference room at another time to pick up your copy.

Joynes Reading Room Hosts Author Asali Solomon Thursday, April 23

The Joynes Reading Room will host author Asali Solomon at 7 p.m. on April 23rd. This event is free and open to everybody. Solomon is the author of Get Down (a collection of short stories) and Disgruntled (a novel). In 2007, she was named one the National Book Foundations’ Five writers to watch under the age of 35. The Joynes Reading Room has a limited number of FREE BOOKS by Asali Solomon that may be claimed by honors students who plan to attend the reading. Students may inquire in person at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007). Call 512-471-5787 for more information, or e-mail

Reading of the Novel The Hilltop February, 19 at 7:00 pm CLA 1.302D

All welcome Thursday, February 19 at 7 p.m. in CLA 1.302D for a reading by Israeli novelist Assaf Gavron. Gavron will be reading from his 2014 novel, The Hilltop, which explores the lives of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Hailed as “the great Israeli novel” by Time Out Tel Aviv, The Hilltop has won acclaim from both sides of the political spectrum.

Praise for The Hilltop:
“Brilliantly attuned to the madhouse complexities of the current settlement crisis. . . . The superbly orchestrated chaos that results makes this an indispensable novel of, as one character dubs it, the ‘Wild West Bank.’” (Wall Street Journal)
“Expansive, humorous . . . Gavron’s satiric touches can be coruscating . . .” (The New Yorker)
“[A] brilliant book . . .” (The New York Times Book Review)
“Assaf Gavron stakes his claim to be Israel’s Jonathan Franzen . . . Gavron writes realistic fiction with a comic edge that aims to take the temperature of his whole society, to tell us how Israelis live now . . . a cutting satire.” (Adam Kirsch Tablet)
The reading is free and open to the public, with no RSVP required.

Teach and Perform Shakespeare for Kids!

Info meeting this Wednesday for students who are interested in performing Shakespeare at Austin-area elementary schools.

Wednesday, February 4 at 6:00pm to 6:30pm

Calhoun Hall (CAL), 221204 21ST ST W, Austin, Texas 78705

Come learn about the Winedale Outreach Players. Join us as we travel around Austin to lead workshops and perform scenes from Shakespeare for elementary school children. This program provides its members invaluable experience both as an educator and a performer.

An information session will be held on Wednesday, February 4 from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in CAL 221. Members will be selected after an audition/interview process. If you are interested but unable to attend the session or if you have questions about the program please contact Allison at

$$ Job Opportunity for LAHers with a car

The Bradsby and the Lynch families are looking for a mother’s helper/driver to pick up kids, get them home and started on homework, and take them to the Joe Jamail Swim Center at UT for 5:00 p.m. weekday Longhorn Aquatics swim practice.  The job would require approximately 6 hours per week, Monday through Thursday afternoons. The pay is $110 a week.  The helper would be responsible for picking up two seventh grade students from Lamar Middle School at 3:30 p.m., driving the students home to allow for snack/changing for swimming/homework, and then driving the Lamar students and a younger fifth grade sibling to UT in time to arrive at 4:50 p.m..  Tuesdays will require a 3:00 p.m. start time and a change in the transportation routine to accommodate an after-school activity, but the job will end at the regular time of 5:00 p.m..  There is the potential for occasional additional paid hours to respond to unforeseen circumstances such as an ill child or the unavailability of a parent to pick up the children from UT.  Job candidates should enjoy children, have no criminal record, have a clean driving history, and be comfortable and confident driving in Austin.
The Longhorn Aquatics swim schedule extends through the school year, ending in May.   There is the potential for continued employment through the summer on a different schedule.  The families understand that college final exams may conflict with the children’s schedule, and the families with make alternate transportation plans should that conflict arise.
If interested call or email Juliee Beyt: : v 512.861.5950 : c  512.633.2643. You can include that you are in LAH and are referred by Stacey.