Author Archives: amorous

Summer Study in Rome Information Meeting

Informational meeting for the Rome Institute of Liberal Arts (RILA). This is an exciting opportunity to spend a part of your summer studying the great books in Rome and earning transfer credit to UT.  The meeting will be Wednesday, November 19, at 5 PM in Waggener 403b

The Jefferson Center has a number of $2,000 scholarships available to make this program more affordable for UT students.

The program itself consists of a month long class that takes place in the heart of the Eternal City.  Students will live in Rome and will have ample opportunity to explore its many celebrated sights, with all their charms and wonders. will study in the historic and centrally located Collegio Romano, where Galileo once had an apartment. It’s also close to many of the major sights: it’s a two minute walk from the Pantheon, a five minute walk from the Vittorio Emanuele Monument and the Capitoline Hill, and a twenty minute walk from the Colosseum.

Regular class meetings, in which the texts will be studied and discussed intensively, will take place four times per week in the mornings. Students will be enrolled with students from other American universities, and will have the chance to study with them and to get to know them.

RILA offers a choice of two courses, both of which earn UT credit. Each class is discussion intensive, and involves the study of a selection of great books that have particular relevance to Rome and its history. Empire and the Soul is an introduction to the basic problems of political philosophy with particular attention to the Roman Republic and the emergence of the Empire. In it, you’ll study works by Livy, Vergil, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, and Shakespeare. This course carries upper level government credit. Beauty and the Sacred covers some of the great reflections on the meaning of art and its relationship to the divine. Its texts include Plato’s Symposium, Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics.

As part of both classes, students will tour many of the museums, churches, and ruins, guided by experts in Rome’s art and history.  On two occasions, classes will actually take place in the Vatican Museums, and will be followed by tours. There will also be excursions to cities surrounding Rome, including Siena, Orvieto, and Tarquinia. The tours supplement the readings: students will see how the thinkers they read grappled with the same basic human problems as Rome’s great historic leaders and as the artists whose work they’ll view. While Rome is almost indescribably beautiful, its deepest wonders only truly open up when one starts to understand the thought that inspires them.

For more information on the program and the scholarship opportunities offered by the Jefferson Center, please attend the meeting, or if you can’t make it, contact Dr. Erik Dempsey, by email at He will be teaching the Empire and the Soul class. You can also visit RILA’s website at:

Dr. Erik Dempsey

Lecturer, Department of Government

Assistant Director, Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas

(512) 471 6659

Lower-Division Honors Courses

List of Lower-Division LAH options. If you  are interested in taking these classes, you must sign up in the LAH Lower-Division Sign Up Book

ANT 302     Cultural Anthropology-Honors  30490 TTH 9:30-11:00    CLA 0.106   Strong- Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for IRG and Anthropology majors

ARC 308     Architecture and Society (LAH seats reserved)   00505 TTH 9:30-11:00, T 3:30-4:30   HRH 2.104, PAR 308  Speck- Fulfills VAPA Core Requirement

*E 314L      Reading Lit in Context-Honors34120 TTH 2:00-3:30     GAR 2.124   Mallin- If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

E 316L      Masterworks of Literature: British-Honors34315 MWF 2:00-3:00     MEZ 1.122   Scala, E. Fulfills Humanities Core Requirement

ECO 304L    Introduction to Macroeconomics-Honors     33490TTH 3:30-5:00. F 1:00-2:00    WEL 2.224, BRB 1.120    Bencivenga. Fulfills Social Science Requirement and great for ECO and IRG majors.

GOV 312L    Issues and Policies in American Gov-Honors : TOPIC Government and Business     #TBA   TTH 12:30-2:00   Room TBA   Roberts, B.  Fulfills GOV Core Requirement  GOV MAJORS Should take this!

GRG 304E    Environmental Science: A Changing World-Honors  36550TTH 5:00-6:30 TH 2:00-3:30    CLA 1.106, CLA 3.102      Meyer, T. AWESOME PART II SCIENCE REQUIREMENT

HDF 313H    Child Development: Honors     52300TTH 3:30-5:00     NOA 1.116   DIX

HIS 309L    Western Civilization in Medieval Times-Plan II/LAH    38395TTH 2:00-3:30     GAR 2.128   Coffin- ASK LINDA FOR A FORM IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THIS CLASS

HIS 315L    United States Since 1865-Honors     38455TTH 12:30-2:00    JES A218A   Restad, P. Fulfills US HIS CORE. AWARD WINNING PROFESSOR!

LAH 103H    The Ideas of Civic Engagement29465M 4-5:30    WEL 2.246   Carver REQUIRED FOR ALL LAH First Year Students

*LAH 305     Reacting to the Past    29475MWF 11-12   SZB 286     Lang, Elon-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

*LAH 305     Reacting to the Past    29470TTh 9:30-11CLA 0.122   Mayhew, L-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count! Also counts for CEHET Lib Arts Req.

*RHE 309S    Critical Reading and Persuasive Writing – Honors      43730 MW 2:00-3:30      FAC 7 Steel, C-If you haven’t taken your LAH Writing course, this will count!

SPN 610D    Intermediate Spanish    45940 MWF 12:00-2:00    MEZ 1.202   Postigo Olsson, P

UGS 303     Human Rights: Law, Lit-Honors62805MW 9:00-10:00, F 12:00-1:00   PAR 301, SZB 422  Hoad. If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option!

UGS 303     Modernity and Art of Uncanny-Honors62865MW 1:00-2:00, F 1:00-2:00     FAC 21, SZB 434  If you haven’t taken your UGS yet, this is a great option too!

Courses, Advising, Registration… Oh My! Tips for Spring 2015 Registration & Lower-Division Sign up book available High Noon Oct. 22

The Spring schedule is live! And by now you probably have looked at it and found your perfect list of classes, times and professors.  If you want to make sure the classes work for degree requirements, as well as keep you on track to graduate, or you need help navigating all of your options, choices, combinations etc… call the LAH office at 471-3458 to set up an appointment with either Stacey or Linda and we’ll be happy to help you figure it all out!

If you are interested in lower-division Honors courses, you must sign up to ‘claim your seat’ in the Lower-Division Honors Course book available in the LAH office at high noon October 22

For any upper-division LAH 350 courses you can just register (no sign up necessary). Unless, you are a Dual degree student (e.g. Government and Communication major) you must contact Stacey or Linda during your registration time to be added in to your desired LAH 350 course (as long as it is open).

Registration hint: If the upper-division LAH course is cross-listed with your major department, you should register for it under your department. It will still apply towards College Honors. Many departments have sign up sheets in their offices (I know Government does) and this guarantees you a seat.

Also, don’t forget to claim any needed AP credits.

Here is the web-site for the Center for Teaching and Learning to claim your AP:

And if you still need to take the TX GOV only test to pair with your AP GOV, here is the link for the test and a link for an additional online textbook on Texas Politics

If you want to see a detailed descriptions of Liberal Arts classes here’s the COLA Course Description web-link:



Summer Orientation Advisor Recruitment!

Looking for more than just a summer Job?  Be a Summer Orientation Advisor!

The Orientation Advisor position is a dynamic opportunity where students receive extensive leadership training, have the opportunity to work with new students in groups and individually, gain academic advising skills, write and perform in productions, develop creative media, plan large-scale events, and so much more. These students serve a critical role in helping new students, both freshmen and transfers, transition academically and socially to the University of Texas campus. Orientation is a University partnership, so the recruitment and selection process requires investment from the entire community!

  • Students MUST attend one of the OA Information Sessions to be able to receive an application:

◦                     Tuesday 10/7, 8:30-9:30pm, SSB G1.310

◦                     Wednesday 10/8, 5:30-6:30pm, NOA 1.126

◦                     Sunday, 10/12, 8:30-9:30pm, JES A121A

◦                     Thursday, 10/16, 5:30-6:30pm, GSB 2.126

▪ Required attendance is intentional, because we communicate with students about the level of commitment the experience entails. Students are enrolled in an upper-division course designed specifically for Orientation Advisors and serve on committees in the spring, then work throughout the summer.

Please note: Students from any college and classification are eligible to become an Orientation Advisor.

For more information, visit:


LAH Echo Literary Magazine Accepting Submissions for 2015 Issue

Echo Literary Magazine is now accepting submissions for the 2015 issue! Please submit your poetry, prose, and photography to Feel free to submit any number of pieces in any or all of the categories. We look forward to a brilliant batch of submissions. If you are interested in being a Reader, helping us to read and choose submissions and put together the magazine, please email the same address ( requesting to be put on the mailing list. We will begin emailing out information regarding reading sessions later this semester.    

LAHers with AP or IB to claim see Stacey or Linda before September 19

If you have AP and IB yet to claim and want to go over your options with Stacey or Linda, please call the LAH office 512-471-3458 to set up an appointment by September 19. Your Spring registration access time slots will be determined on your ‘degree progress’. Having AP and IB claimed and on your record may give you a better registration time slot.

Recent LAH Graduate or Graduating in December-Job Opportunity with Hewlett-Packard

Hewlett-Packard is looking for bright, dynamic and dedicated students to be a part of their Global Information Solutions group. This group focuses on databases and their reporting capabilities. On this team you learn why data is critical to running a business and how it is used throughout a large corporation. If you have any interest in technology and big data, I encourage you to send me your resume and contact information. I speak as a former English major when I say that the high-tech world is accessible to everyone. Consider applying for this position if you are interested in working in a fast-paced, data-driven world where innovative and creative process solving solutions are valued. HP is looking for seniors graduating in December and those who have just recently graduated. If you are interested, please send me -Jessi Devenyns your resume and contact information.

Jessi Devenyns
Planning and Portfolio Lead
Global Information Solutions
M +1 512.415.7843
Hewlett-Packard Company
14231 Tandem Blvd
Austin, TX 78728

UT Fall Tuition Payment DUE TODAY 5:00 pm

Finishing Registration

Finish registration by making a payment, paying with financial aid, or confirming attendance if your bill is zero. If you do not complete your registration by the deadline (AUG 13), your incomplete registration is canceled and you won’t have access to University services.

Payment & financial aid
You have not finished registration until your tuition has been paid in full or you have confirmed attendance.  In the spring or fall, you may pay in installments.  Installment payments are not available in summer.  Visit Student Accounts Receivable for details about paying online, by mail, or in person.

Zero fee bills.
Even if your tuition bill is $0.00, you must go to My Tuition Bill to confirm your attendance and complete your registration.

Need to change up your schedule? If you pay by today (Aug 13) you will be able to make adjustments to your schedule on Monday, August 25. 

LAH Call for Summer Orientation Volunteers Info Session Tuesday, May 6

LAHers if you will be in Austin all or part of the summer, consider signing up to volunteer to meet, greet and pre-advise the incoming LAH class of 2018. We will be having a info/ training session Tuesday, May 6 3:00-4:30ish in the LAH Commons room. Sign up on the Google doc if you are able to attend the training… I’ll have Tiffs Treats there. :-)