Author Archives: amorous

Joynes Room Events- September 26 Writer Caleb Crain and October 1 Pulitzer Prize Journalist Anne Hull both events @7:00 pm

The Joynes Room will host writer Caleb Crain for a free public event at 7 p.m. on September 26th. Crain is a frequent contributor to publications including The New Yorker, The New York Times Sunday Magazine, and the Paris Review. His first novel, Necessary Errors, tells the story of a young American who travels to Prague shortly after the Velvet Revolution, hoping to learn something about the world and about himself. The Joynes Reading Room has a limited number of FREE BOOKS by Caleb Crain to give away, so you can read his novel before he visits. These books are only available to UT honors students who make a commitment to attend the event. Free books may be claimed IN PERSON at the front desk of the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007).

The following week, our guest will be Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Anne Hull. In her field reporting for the Washington Post, Hull writes in-depth articles that illuminate the human element of major news stories through the personal experiences of individuals. She has covered the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, domestic incidents of gun violence, and the lives of veterans and their families returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Hull will speak in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 23) on Tuesday evening, October 1, at 7 p.m., in an event that is free and open to the public.

Contact Matt Valentine with any questions: (512) 471-5692.

Unpaid Internship: Videographer

Seeking student videographer to shoot and edit video content for music education based charity.  Expectations include regular (weekly) content creation for social media and website of short, high definition videos.

Professionalism and positivity are highly valued traits for this position.

Internship will include leadership training, small business and independent contracting skills, opportunities to produce and shoot videos in many environments (classrooms, outdoors, studio) and opportunities to network and gain paid jobs.  4+hrs/wk with flexibility week to week.

This is an unpaid internship.

Please send your resume and short letter of interest to:

Kevin Carroll


Call for members: Austin Connect-A Female Networking Organization Started by LAHers

LAH females, this might be of interest to you:

As an organization, Austin Connect hopes to help University of Texas women grow and mature into desirable prospects for the Austin job market. Our organization strives to connect UT talent with professionals in the Austin community in hopes of bolstering our already vibrant economy with new talent. The goal of Austin Connect is to bring in guest speakers from a variety of professions to share their story and experiences that led them to success. We hope to involve entrepreneurs, small business owners, engineers, bankers and everyone in between.

In addition to hosting guest speakers, we intend to help our members with resume building and interviewing skills to give them an edge coming out of college. We are also creating leadership positions, which allows women to exercise skills that they hope to implement and improve in their future jobs.

Please take the time to go onto our website and see what we are all about. I am also attaching our fall newsletter which I encourage you to read if you are interested.  Also, if you have any female friends that you feel would be interested in our organization please feel free to forward them this email.

We are now accepting applications which you can find on our website.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about Austin Connect. We look forward to receiving your applications and meeting you!


All the best,

Jessi Devenyns-LAH


Co-President/Co-Founder of Austin Connect

Non-Resident LAHers-Taking UT Summer Classes or SAB Exchange? LAH may have a Non-Resident Tuition Waiver available

LAH Non-resident students we may a non-resident tuition exemption waiver for the SUMMER if you are planning on taking classes at UT or will be participating in a UT Faculty Lead or Exchange Study Abroad Program. Please let Stacey  know immediately (  if you would like to be considered for a non-resident tuition exemption waiver. This gives you In State tuition for the summer.


Call for LAH Summer Orientation Peer Advisers. Sign up to attend Info and Training Meeting Monday, May 6 2:00-4:00

Are you interested in volunteering at this summer’s LAH orientations? If the answer is yes, sign up to attend a LAH Summer Orientation Peer Adviser meeting on May 6th from 2-4pm. Food will be provided!
Volunteering entails helping advise incoming LAH freshman with their fall schedules on one day, and then helping them register the next day. You don’t have to be available for both days or even the entire summer.

Sign up for the Orientation Info and Training Meeting May 6, 2:00-4:00 here.

In the summer,  we are flexible! You can just sign up for the days and times that work in your schedule.

We would like to have at least 4-5 peer advisers throughout the entire day of pre-advising.

For Orientation Registration, we need about 4 volunteers in the morning (approx 10:00-Noon) to help our new LAHers register and become acquainted wit the Web Resources available to them. I have reserved a computer lab in our new building for our new students
to register for classes.

Orientation dates volunteers are needed:
June 6 (pre-advising) -7 (Registration)
June 11 (pre-adivisng) 12 (Registration)
June 18-19
June 25-26
July 2-3
July 9-10
July 16-17
August 22-23

After you attend the LAH Orientation Information session, we will send out a calendar for you to list your available times.

Add/drop deadline and Registration Coming Up! Call or come by the office to set up your Advising appointment

Below is a list of important dates. One important date coming up is- Monday, April 1 is the last day to Q drop or change a class to pass/fail (if you have 30 hrs).  
Registration- The Summer course schedule is online already. The fall schedule will be online by 5:00 pm on April 2. We will have the Lower-Division Honors course sign up book to sign up for lower-division honors courses in the office by Monday, April 8.
You don’t have to sign up for the upper-division LAH 350 classes. Just register if the class is open. Those of you who are dual degree students (i.e. Communication/Liberal Arts, Business/Liberal Arts), you must contact Stacey or Linda during your registration time to be added into an upper-division LAH class.
 REGISTRATION HINT FOR GOV MAJORS: If the class is cross-listed (GOV 379/LAH 350) and you are a Government major, go to the department and they will SAVE a seat for you. For other LAH 350 classes that are cross-listed, you can register for the class under either number. If it’s full in one section, look at the cross-listed section. This goes for all courses that are cross-listed.
Registration advising begins now. Just call (512-471-3458)  or come by the office to set up an appointment with Linda or Stacey. Please do not email for a time.
Registration begins April 15 through April 26.
Grad Students, and students with priority registration will register Monday, April 15.
Seniors -Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16-17 (determined by last name)
Juniors- Thursday and Friday, April 18-19
Sophomores- Monday and Tuesday, April 22-23
Freshmen-Wednesday and Thrusday, April 24-25
All classifications- Friday, April 26
April 1
Monday Last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean’s approval, withdraw from the University or drop a class except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons.
Last day an undergraduate student may change registration in a class to or from the pass/fail basis.
Last day to apply for an undergraduate degree.
Last day an undergraduate student may register in absentia.
April 10–12, 15–19
Wednesday–Friday, Monday–Friday Academic advising for continuing and readmitted students for the summer session and the fall semester.
April 13
Saturday Honor’s Day.
April 15–26
Daily Registration for the summer session and the fall semester for continuing and readmitted students.
April 29
Monday Last class day in the School of Law.
Last day a law student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
April 30
Tuesday Reading day in the School of Law.
Tuition bills for the summer session distributed to students electronically. Notice is sent to the e-mail address on the student’s record.
May 1–4, 6–11, 13–14
Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring semester final examinations in the School of Law.
May 3
Friday Last class day except in the School of Law.
Last day to submit master’s report, recital, thesis, doctoral dissertation, or treatise to the graduate dean.
Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
May 6–7, 12
Monday–Tuesday, Sunday No-class days.
May 8–11, 13–14
Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring semester final examinations except in the School of Law.
May 15
Wednesday University residence halls close at 9:00 am (except for graduating students).
May 16
Thursday Tuition payment deadline is 5:00 pm for undergraduate students who registered for the summer session during the spring.
May 17–18
Friday–Saturday Graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.

First General Meeting for Central Texas Model UN, Wednesday, Feb. 27 7:00 pm PAR 1

First General Meeting for Central Texas Model United Nations (CTMUN).

Wednesday, February 27th, Parlin 1, 7 pm.
This meeting will primarily introduce the new officers and discuss preliminary plans for next semester’s conference, CTMUN 2013. We will also make a few big announcements about CTMUN events this semester.
Model United Nations is an organization which simulates the structure of the United Nations as way to immerse students in world affairs and international diplomacy.
 If  you have questions, email Shreya Banerjee: