Author Archives: amorous

Please Complete the Internship Google Doc

Hi LAHers,

If you have participated in an internship or internships, please complete the Internship google doc:

We are trying to track how many of you participate in internships (which should be 100%) the types of internships you are participating in and if they are paid or unpaid. As we are working on raising additional funds to support you who are doing unpaid internships. Without this data, it will be difficult to encourage donors to give us internship funding.

LinkedIN to Liberal Arts Honors University of Texas

We are trying to build a LAH network using LinkedIn in a effort to keep up with you when you are here at UT and when you become Alumni.

If you do not have a LinkedIn account, please create one. It’s easy! (if I can create one, anyone can)   Liberal Arts Career Services recommends that all students entering the professional world have a LinkedIn profile.
Then join the Liberal Arts Honors Program LinkedIn group-
You can also join the sub-group divided by region.

COLA Journal looking for Editorial Board Members and Submissions-Information Session Sunday, Feb 17

COLAJ (College of Liberal Arts Journal), which is a part of LAUNCH (Liberal Arts Undergraduate Research Chapter), is looking for editorial board members and submissions! The information session will be Sunday February 17 in Joynes Reading Room 007A and will cover the requirements to be a reviewer and to submit an article to the journal. Contact the Editors-in-Chief Monica Castellanos ( or Sarah Lusher ( if you are not able to make the session but are interested.

Texas Exes Scholarships Available for Continuing Students Deadline March 1

Texas Exes is the official alumni association for the University of Texas. This year, the Texas Exes awarded nearly $2 million to deserving University of Texas students. You can apply for Texas Exes Scholarships for Current Students by filling out the UT Austin Continuing & Transfer Scholarship Application. In order to be considered for Texas Exes Scholarships, that application must be submitted by March 1st.

 Please note that in order to be considered for Texas Exes Scholarships, you must select “Texas Exes Scholarships” under “Scholarship Choices” in the scholarship application. You will also then need to enter the specific code for each scholarship you wish to apply for. Those codes, and descriptions of all Texas Exes Scholarships for Current Students, can be found by visiting the Named Scholarship section of the Texas Exes website. You’ll want to look at both “Specific Scholarships for Current Students” and “General Scholarships for Current Students.”

Add your internship experience to the LAH Internship Google Doc Database

LAHers, We are trying to keep track of the internships you are participating in. For a variety of reasons this information is critical to us. One big reason is -if we see that many of you are participating in unpaid internships, it might help us raise funds to increase our unpaid internship stipends.  Please fill out your internship information on the Google Doc Internship Form as soon as possible.



Page Positions at the Briscoe Center for American History

The Briscoe Center seeks applicants for student page positions.  They need students who are available to work anywhere between 9 to 19 hrs a week.  The average number of hours worked by undergraduate students is 9  hours per week.  If your schedule meshes with the hours that they need coverage, then you could work more hours than the average.  Interested students should go to the  Briscoe Center’s website,  The pay is $7.26 per hour.
Margaret Schlankey
Head of Reference Services
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
The University of Texas at Austin
Sid Richardson Hall
1 University Station D1100
Austin, Texas  78712-0335

Spring Archer Fellowship Program Info Session and Open Hours

Interested in learning about public policy firsthand by living, interning, and taking in-residence classes in Washington, D.C., for a fall or spring semester?

 If the answer is yes, the Archer Fellowship Program may be for you! Come learn about this unique program by attending an information session in FAC 4 on Thursday, January 31st, from 4-5:30 p.m. We’ll also host open hours in FAC 4 that Thursday (10 am-3 pm) and Friday (10 am-2 pm) for students who would like assistance with the application process. Feel free to bring drafts of your application materials for Archer Center staff and alumni to review.

Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year are due on Friday, February 22nd. Weekly application tips will be posted on Facebook:  like UT Austin Archer Fellowship Program to stay informed.

Questions? Please contact Rose Mastrangelo at

LAHers Needed to help with LAH Info Sessions beginning Friday, Jan 25 10:00-11:00

I need a couple of LAHers to volunteer to serve as LAH Student Ambassadors to meet and greet prospective students and their families at our LAH Information Sessions this spring semester. Your responsibilities would be to speak with our guests about your experiences in LAH, UT, dorm life, etc..  basically everything about being a student at UT and in LAH. The sessions begin Friday, January 25 from 10:00-11:00 in the LAH back seminar room and run every Monday and Friday until April 29. (not during Spring Break)  If you can make it for both days great! If not, that’s ok as long as I have other student representatives.  Please email me: if you are interested. Thanks!

Free Poetry Workshop

The Blanton is proud to have inspired great poems by Texas writers. This spring, find your creativity in a workshop taught by poet Vive Griffith. Participants in this free workshop will learn forms and techniques for creating new poems about artworks in the museum.

DATE: Sunday, January 20

TIME: 2:00–4:00 PM
LOCATION: Blanton Museum of Art
ADMISSION: Free; register in advance by emailing


Adam Bennett
Manager of Public Programs