Category Archives: Dates and Deadlines

Applications Open for Peers for Pride Class & Program!

Students who are admitted to the Peers for Pride Program take two classes (one in the fall and one in the spring) and create and facilitate performance-based workshops on LGBTQA+ justice. They gain experience with education, facilitation, critical thinking, and performance work, and they build vital community that supports their academic career and their whole selves.


46835 WGS  335   1-Confronting LGBTQ Oppression


26190 T D  357T  Confronting LGBTQ Oppression    

61365 S W  360K  Confronting LGBTQ Oppression

Applications Open for Peers for Pride Class & Program!


Want to make a difference on campus, meet community, & build teaching skills?

Looking for classes on intersectional LGBTQA+ justice?


Apply Now to join Peers for Pride 17-18 & facilitate workshops for Thriving Queer Communities!

Priority Deadline: April 15


* Take two WGS/TD/SSW classes in ’17-18 with Dr. Kristen Hogan (Fall 2017: WGS335/TD357T/SW360K)

* Get your course flags in Cultural Diversity in the United States and Ethics and Leadership

* Learn more about LGBTQA+ activism & how it’s interconnected with racial, class, & dis/ability justice

* Create & facilitate performance-based workshops around UT for thriving queer communities

* Have fun together!


Apply Now:

Peers for Pride is a project of the Gender & Sexuality Center: Serving Women & LGBTQA Communities

Peers for Pride is supported by the Center for Women’s & Gender Studies

Applying to graduate and scheduling final degree checks

May 2014 Graduates

Congratulations on approaching the completion of your coursework at The University of Texas at Austin. If you are planning to graduate in May 2014, you must apply to graduate by 5 p.m. on March 31. In most cases, you can apply online from the College of Liberal Arts website:

Once you have applied for graduation, consider applying for the tuition rebate. If you are eligible, you can receive up to $1,000 back after graduation. To find out more about the tuition rebate, including qualifications, see this page: Tuition rebate applications for May graduates will be due by 5 p.m. on May 17, 2014.

August 2014 and December 2014 Graduates

Seniors who plan to graduate in August or December 2014 should schedule a FINAL DEGREE CHECK with a Student Division advisor this semester. Degree checks are intended to complement, rather than replace, regular semester-by-semester meetings with your departmental academic advisor(s); we expect you to do both. Degree checks serve as an opportunity to discuss graduation matters as well as to confirm any remaining requirements.

Student Division advisors meet with students in Gebauer 2.306. To schedule a degree check appointment, please call (512) 471-4271, or visit our front desk in GEB 2.200.

If you have not created a Liberal Arts Career Services Beyond the Tower (BTT) Gateway account, we strongly encourage you to do so now. Registering will allow you access to career and pre-law advisors, Liberal Arts Career Services online job and internship postings, on-campus interviewing, and employer resume referrals. See

Add/drop deadline and Registration Coming Up! Call or come by the office to set up your Advising appointment

Below is a list of important dates. One important date coming up is- Monday, April 1 is the last day to Q drop or change a class to pass/fail (if you have 30 hrs).  
Registration- The Summer course schedule is online already. The fall schedule will be online by 5:00 pm on April 2. We will have the Lower-Division Honors course sign up book to sign up for lower-division honors courses in the office by Monday, April 8.
You don’t have to sign up for the upper-division LAH 350 classes. Just register if the class is open. Those of you who are dual degree students (i.e. Communication/Liberal Arts, Business/Liberal Arts), you must contact Stacey or Linda during your registration time to be added into an upper-division LAH class.
 REGISTRATION HINT FOR GOV MAJORS: If the class is cross-listed (GOV 379/LAH 350) and you are a Government major, go to the department and they will SAVE a seat for you. For other LAH 350 classes that are cross-listed, you can register for the class under either number. If it’s full in one section, look at the cross-listed section. This goes for all courses that are cross-listed.
Registration advising begins now. Just call (512-471-3458)  or come by the office to set up an appointment with Linda or Stacey. Please do not email for a time.
Registration begins April 15 through April 26.
Grad Students, and students with priority registration will register Monday, April 15.
Seniors -Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16-17 (determined by last name)
Juniors- Thursday and Friday, April 18-19
Sophomores- Monday and Tuesday, April 22-23
Freshmen-Wednesday and Thrusday, April 24-25
All classifications- Friday, April 26
April 1
Monday Last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean’s approval, withdraw from the University or drop a class except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons.
Last day an undergraduate student may change registration in a class to or from the pass/fail basis.
Last day to apply for an undergraduate degree.
Last day an undergraduate student may register in absentia.
April 10–12, 15–19
Wednesday–Friday, Monday–Friday Academic advising for continuing and readmitted students for the summer session and the fall semester.
April 13
Saturday Honor’s Day.
April 15–26
Daily Registration for the summer session and the fall semester for continuing and readmitted students.
April 29
Monday Last class day in the School of Law.
Last day a law student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
April 30
Tuesday Reading day in the School of Law.
Tuition bills for the summer session distributed to students electronically. Notice is sent to the e-mail address on the student’s record.
May 1–4, 6–11, 13–14
Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring semester final examinations in the School of Law.
May 3
Friday Last class day except in the School of Law.
Last day to submit master’s report, recital, thesis, doctoral dissertation, or treatise to the graduate dean.
Last day a graduate student may, with the required approvals, drop a class or withdraw from the University.
May 6–7, 12
Monday–Tuesday, Sunday No-class days.
May 8–11, 13–14
Wednesday–Saturday, Monday–Tuesday Spring semester final examinations except in the School of Law.
May 15
Wednesday University residence halls close at 9:00 am (except for graduating students).
May 16
Thursday Tuition payment deadline is 5:00 pm for undergraduate students who registered for the summer session during the spring.
May 17–18
Friday–Saturday Graduation ceremonies in the colleges and schools.

Teach for America – Final Deadline Feb 15

In America today, a gap in academic achievement separates kids in low-income communities from their higher-income peers, and this divide falls too often along racial and cultural lines. Only eight percent of students growing up in poverty graduate from college by age 24, compared to 80 percent of students in more affluent areas. This limits life options, affects families and communities, and has significant social and economic implications for our country. It doesn’t have to be this way. We know we must fight to give all kids a great education and the countless opportunities that come with it, regardless of their zip code or background.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT: TEACH FOR AMERICA FINAL application deadline is February 15th.

Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates, graduate students, and professionals who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in social justice. This year, more than 10,000 corps member are teaching in 46 regions across the country, while nearly 28,000 Teach For America alumni continue working from inside and outside the field of education for the fundamental changes necessary to ensure our nation lives up to its ideals.

By teaching for two years in Teach For America’s corps, you will join thousands of leaders, including many UT-Austin alumni, helping fight one of the most urgent social, ethical, moral, and economic injustices of our generation. You can put your students on a different life path through academic success, and develop the skills, insights, and personal commitment needed to be an agent for change in the long-term.

What’s required for the online application?

  1. Resume [1-2 Pages]
  2. 500 Word Statement of Intent
  3. Background Information

*No letters of recommendation are required for the initial online application.

If you’re interested in gaining more information about Teach For America, please contact Adam Reichow at, or follow us at

RSVP for the Lead Now Speaker Series: Learn leadership lessons directly from today’s change makers including Wendy Kopp, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, and Echoing Green President Cheryl Dorsey.  Attend from anywhere – Lead Now events are virtual and open to everyone.


Pinto Carver Essay Contest Deadline EXTENDED to Tuesday, January 22 5:00 pm

Pinto Carver Essay Contest Open to All LAHers! Deadline Extended to Tuesday, January, 22 5:00 pm

Be a part of Campaign LAH

The Pinto Carver Essay Contest – 2013

 Style, in its finest sense, is the last acquirement

of the educated mind; it is also the most useful.

It pervades the whole being.  The administrator

with a sense of style hates waste; the engineer

with a sense for style economizes his material;

the artisan with a sense for style prefers good

work.  Style is the ultimate morality of mind.

-Alfred North Whitehead

The Topic:

Campaign LAH:  The Pursuit of Excellence is seeking to raise 1.5 million dollars to help fund scholarships and research, internship, and study aboard opportunities for Liberal Arts Honors students.  Many donors want to know what LAH is and what is its “brand.”  Write an essay in which you describe what you believe LAH to be and also, in six to ten words craft a “brand.”  The University’s “What Starts Here Changes the World” is one such successful brand, “Don’t Mess With Texas” another.  Needless to say, the more well developed your thoughts, the more specific your language, the better.  And for this Campaign to succeed, we need your best thoughts.

Eligibility:  Current Liberal Arts Honors students

Specifications: 750-1000 words, titled, double-spaced, and typed, with your name in the upper-right hand corner.  No cover page.


1st Prize: $1500

2nd Prize: $500

3rd Prize: $250

Submission Deadline:  Tuesday, January 22, 5:00 p.m. in the NEW Liberal Arts Honors Office (CLA 2.500)  The judges reserve the right to withhold awards in the absence of prize worthy essays.

Summer Travel Grants to Europe

The European Union Center of Excellence at UT Austin is pleased to offer grants to three UT Austin undergraduate students to travel to Brussels in the summer of 2012 through the EUCE Brussels Program. The trip is funded through the support of the European Commission and organized by the Network of European Union Centers in the U.S.

All UT undergraduate students may apply and may be from any discipline. Special consideration will be given to those in a program or major that study some aspect of the European Union.

Funding includes round-trip airfare to/from Brussels, five nights of hotel and some meals.

The 2012 trip will be June 17-June 22 (arrive June 17, depart June 22). The agenda is currently being organized but should be similar to previous years (see agenda on website).

Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2012. No late applications will be accepted.

Students must provide a UT transcript (can be unofficial) and one letter of recommendation from a UT faculty member. More information is printed on the application forms.

To download the application, please go here:

Applications Available for Peers for Pride

Students: Applications Available for Peers for Pride

Are you interested in learning more about LGBTQA identities? Do you want to make a difference for LGBTQA people at UT and beyond? Are you interesting in learning more about how to have conversations on topics we are often socialized not to discuss?

Then you may be interested in joining Peers for Pride!! It is a peer facilitation program offered through the year for academic credit. Students write a monologue during the first semester and during the second semester students perform the monologues and facilitate conversations in character.

If you are interested in applying or have questions, please email the GSC Education Coordinator, Shane Whalley, at

*Reminder* LAH Writing Fellow Applications Due Friday, March 23

Want to be a LAH Writing Fellow?

(past Writing Fellows also need to apply)

Please put in writing:

“What you think a good Writing Fellow does and what a student needs from a good tutor” If you have been a Writing Fellow in the past, please give some of your specific examples.

Please turn your Application in by Friday, March 23, 2012 in the LAH office.

Questions? Please email Stacey or Linda.