Category Archives: Travel

Study Abroad in Denmark with DIS – Drop-in Advising Feb. 9

The Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) is an approved UT Study Abroad program located in Copenhagen. Eric Law, a DIS representative and former student of the program in Denmark, will have advising drop-in hours in the International Office (Room 132) on Tuesday, February 9th, from 10am-12pm and 2pm-5pm. Interested students can stop by with any questions about applying, academics, housing, or anything else about DIS Copenhagen.

DIS has programs in the semester and summer for a lot of different fields, from Liberal Arts to Natural Sciences to Fine Arts. There is already a lot of credit in our database for many areas of study.

LAH Study Abroad Scholarships For Spring Due Nov. 15

The deadline for LAH Study abroad scholarships for the Spring semester has been extended to Nov. 15.

If you are studying abroad in the Summer, your application is not due until March 1.

The application information is available here:

Critical Languages Scholarship (CLS) Information Session at UT

Critical Languages Scholarship (CLS)

Information Session at UT

Wed, Nov. 4th at 2:00pm in BUR 231

Join us next week to hear more about the program from UT students who are alumni of the Summer 2015 CLS Russian language program! See the promotional flier for the CLS Program HERE


The Critical Language Scholarship is a prestigious and intensive language program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

The CLS Program is part of a U.S. government effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers. Please visit the CLS language specific pages for more information:

The deadline to submit a CLS application this year is November 23rd, 2015 at 7:59 EST, which is only about a month away.

Study Abroad Scholarship

The Senate of College Council’s Academic Enrichment committee gives out a $1000 scholarship to any student, in any major, which goes toward a study abroad program.  The application is due November 5th. For more information concerning this scholarship click here

If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me back at

LAH/P2 Maymester in Rome, “Pope Francis’s Catholic Church: The Making of the Modern Papacy.”

This program offers the unique opportunity to explore first-hand the history and politics of papal succession and church policy in Rome, Italy. Specifically, we will concentrate on Pope Francis, the Holy See, the Vatican, and the world that it serves. Participants will earn credit for LAH 350, TC 357  or GOV 379S.

For more details, attend an info session:
Wed. Sept. 16 4-5pm MEZ 1.210

Tues. Sept. 22 5-6pm MEZ 2.124

Mon. Oct. 12 12-1pm PAR 101


Fulbright U.S. Student Program

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program promotes personal growth, cultural exchange, community engagement, and mutual understanding by funding nine months abroad to study, research or teach English in countries around the world.

To find out more, advise your students to attend the info session below, or visit the UT Austin Study Abroad Fulbright page and IIE Fulbright U.S. Student Program page.  Flyer for info session attached.


·         Wednesday, April 15, from 3-4pm, CLA 0.128

·         Early May, CLA, TBA

Fulbright awards graduating seniors, recent graduates and alumni to travel for academic work in all disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and the performing and creative arts.  A number of countries also offer grants for those who wish to serve as English teaching assistants.

If your students aren’t quite ready, the competition happens every year, and we’d like to put the Fulbright Program in exceptional students’ minds as a goal to strive for after graduation!


INFO SESSION: Wed, April 15, 2015, 3-4pm, CLA 0.128 on UT Campus

INFO SESSION: Early May 2015, TBA


UT APPLICATION CAMPUS DEADLINE:  Wed, September 2, 2015                               


COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS: Mon-Fri, Sep 14-18 and 21-25, 2015 in the UT Austin International Office, 2400 Nueces St, Suite B, Austin, TX 78705, ROOM 104     

NATIONAL ONLINE APPLICATION DUE:  Tuesday, October 13, 4PM Central Time


The Fine Print:

                The 2016-2017 Fulbright U.S. Student competition will open on May 1, 2015.  The Fulbright U.S. Student program is open to graduate students at all levels, undergraduates who will have completed their degree by the beginning of the grant period (for most countries, Sept. 1, 2015) and non-students who hold a bachelor’s degree.  The program is restricted to U.S. citizens.  The grants are for study and research abroad, and are available for most countries.  Grants are awarded for all disciplines, including the sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, and the performing and creative arts.  A number of countries also offer grants for those who wish to serve as English teaching assistants.

An information session for prospective applicants will be presented by an Alumni Ambassador from the Institute of International Education on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 from 3-4pm in CLA 0.128.

Deadlines and Procedures:

1.  Potential applicants must register with us, by completing the FULBRIGHT REGISTRATION SURVEY 2016-2017:

The survey will ask the applicant’s name, contact information, academic status (i.e., undergrad, grad, alumnus), country or region of interest, and area of study or research topic.

2.  The applicant should go to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program website

( for country summaries, information about preparing an application, and, starting May 1, to begin the online application process.

3.  The applicant should also review our campus website:

4.  Campus Deadline: The applicant must submit copies of all application materials electronically to our office by 2 PM on September 3. Interviews are tentatively scheduled between September 14 and September 25.  While the deadline for final submission to the national office has not yet been announced, my expectation is that it will be around mid-October 2015.


Mon, January 26
to 1:00pm

Sid Richardson Hall (SRH), Hackett Room, 1.313
2300 RED RIVER ST., Austin, Texas 78712

Attend the next information session—with pizza—on the faculty-led summer study abroad program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, “African Diaspora in the Americas,” taught by Associate Professor João Vargas (African and African Diaspora Studies). RSVP requested

Course dates are June 8 through July 17, 2015. Application deadline is Feb. 15. During the program, students will volunteer with the NGO Criola and its affiliates. Criola serves black women, teenagers and girls in Rio de Janeiro. Students receive credit for ANT 324L/391 African Diaspora in the Americas or ANT 379/391 Field Research in Social Anthropology. Scholarships available through CoLA, AADS, LLILAS and others.

Associate Professor Vargas is a native Brazilian who has worked for over 15 years on gendered dynamics of race in both Brazil and the United States. He has collaborated with Criola on this program for almost a decade.

Learn more about the program here.

LAH Study Abroad Scholarships

The Liberal Arts Honors Study Abroad Scholarships

The Liberal Arts Honors Program will award scholarships in varying amounts to support LAH students and Humanities majors who will be studying abroad in the Spring, Summer, and/or Fall.  An LAH student may apply for this scholarship by writing a one-page statement of his or her study abroad plans. The statement should include where and what the student will be studying, the projected cost involved, and the role that study abroad and the mastery of a foreign language plays in the student’s academic and career goals.

Now is the time to apply for Liberal Arts Honors Study Abroad Scholarships! Deadlines are:

5:00 pm November 1 for Spring.

Please submit your application online through the study abroad online scholarship application, Global Assistand select “Get Started”. The website will prompt you to set up an online profile and show you a list of scholarships which criteria you meet. If you are applying for a study abroad program not affiliated with UT, please enter program code 300999.

Both LAH students and Humanities majors are eligible to apply for the LAH Study Abroad scholarship. Please contact the LAH office with any questions.


Federally-Funded Summer Study of Intermediate and Advanced Russian Language in Moscow

Introducing the Moscow-Texas Connections Program

Tentative Dates: June 1– August 7, 2015 (10 weeks)

The Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (CREEES) in cooperation with the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies (DSES) at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) is proud to announce the second year running a 10-week study abroad opportunity in Moscow, Russia. Made possible by a U.S. Department of Education grant, a group of 20 select Texas students will study at the prestigious Higher School of Economics in Moscow, one of the top institutions in Russia. In addition to intensive intermediate and advanced Russian language courses, the program offers content courses in English and Russian language in the areas of Russian history, economics, business, and law. This course of study will be accompanied by comprehensive career mentoring, as well as on-site networking and career mentorship opportunities, and a post-summer studying alumni network and job bank to promote professional development for participants.

More details here.