Volunteer in the LAH Office this Spring!


We are looking for some volunteers for the Spring semester.  If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours each week in the Spring, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with current students, prospective students, get free food and a chance to get to know everyone else in the office better. Job duties include answering the phone, greeting visitors, collecting mail, making copies and running errands as needed.  We do rely heavily on our volunteers, so showing up on time and taking the position seriously is important.

Also, if you have a work-study (part of your financial aid package) let us know – we may be able to hire you.

Please e-mail Barbara Carlson bbc@austin.utexas.edu if you are interested.

PS. We will be in the new location CLA 2.104 starting December 13.

LAH Office Moving to the New Liberal Arts Building

On December 13, we will move from our much loved Gebauer location to CLA – the new College of Liberal Arts Building located next to the SAC.  We’re looking forward to the new space. The computer lab will have 8 computers and the Commons Room will be nearly 3 times the size of the current room.

Our exact room will be CLA 2.104 and the number will stay the same – 512-471-3458.

Please stop by when you come back in January to check out the new digs.

3rd Annual All-Honors Formal!

Tickets will soon be on sale in the LAH office for this year’s All-Honors Formal.  It will be taking place Saturday December 8 from 7-10 pm at the Recess Arcade Bar on 6th Street.  There will be live music and a bar for those over 21.  Like last year there will be a bus regularly leaving from campus to take people downtown.  Tickets are $10 in the office or $12 at the door.  You do NOT need to be in an honors program to buy a ticket!

Full-time Positions with PBS

This position was sent to us by LAHer/Humanities major Alexandra Young, who graduated in May 2012.  She currently works with PBS in Virginia and there are two Program Associate positions opening up. She encourages anyone graduating in December to apply!  Read about the position and submit your application here.

Surviving Finals 101

Surviving Finals 101

Monday, December 3 • 5:00-6:00 p.m. • JES A115

Tuesday, December 4 • 6:00-7:00 p.m. • JES A115

Preparing for finals for the first time?  Feel like your old study techniques could use a tune up? Join us for last minute tips and strategies on how to manage your time, study strategically, and stay healthy as you reach the academic finish line!

LAHSC Book Drive

Hi LAHers!

This semester the Liberal Arts Honors Student Council is hosting a book drive. We are donating books to Worldwide Book Drive, which will give them to children whose family cannot afford to buy them books.

We will take any books and textbooks! There is a large, white box in the LAH office now, and we will collect books for the rest of the semester.

Thank you!


Catherine Moreno

LAHSC Service Chair

Rapoport Center Human Rights Internship

Call for Applications

Spring 2013 Undergraduate Internships


Deadline: Friday, November 30, 2012


The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice at the University of Texas School of Law is currently considering applications for UT undergraduates to intern with us during the spring!  Interns will support various initiatives at the Rapoport Center.  This internship is ideal for students who are interested in:


  • Working on human rights research and advocacy projects
  • Learning how an academic center functions
  • Engaging in human rights scholarship
  • Gaining practical experience
  • Collaborating with faculty, staff, and students

This is an unpaid internship.  Selected interns should be available at least 10 hours per week during the semester.

The Role of Human Rights Interns

Undergraduate interns play an important role at the Rapoport Center.  Interns will focus on different activities, depending on their background, interest, and the needs of the Center.  Primary duties include:

  • Assisting with human rights research and advocacy projects
  • Supporting the coordination and publicity of events and programs
  • Expanding the Center’s social media outreach
  • Providing administrative support for Center programs
  • Contributing written work for press releases, website, and Annual Review publications
  • Serving as liaison to the UT undergraduate community and helping develop the Center’s undergraduate outreach
  • Assisting Center Administrator, Directors, Human Rights Scholars, graduate students, and affiliated faculty with other projects and tasks as assigned

Required Qualifications

  • Commitment to working on issues of human rights and justice
  • Excellent writing skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Demonstrated regular and punctual attendance at work
  • Professional demeanor
  • Experience with internet research, standard office equipment, and Microsoft Office

The following qualifications may be preferred in some candidates:

  • Proficiency in Spanish and/or Portuguese
  • Journalism experience
  • Experience with publication, design, and website software (Adobe Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, etc.)

How to Apply

Qualified students are invited to apply for the internship by submitting:

  • Cover letter (state why you are interested in the position; demonstrate basic knowledge of our programs and activities)
  • CV/Resume (indicate any computer/software skills and foreign language proficiency)
  • Unofficial transcript (including the courses you are currently taking, if applicable)
  • List of three references (at least two must be UT faculty)
  • Writing sample (3-5 pages)

Please submit the following materials to Rapoport Center Administrator William Chandler via email at wchandler@law.utexas.edu (subject: Undergraduate Internship).


Contact William Chandler at wchandler@law.utexas.edu or 512-232-4857.


Moscow Plus Program Info Session

Thursday, November 29, 2012
• 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM •
CAL 422

Russian Language Courses:
Beginning and Intermediate levels. Students can earn one full year of Russian language in 10 weeks: first summer session at UT followed by
second summer session in Moscow!

Bridge Courses in Language & Culture: Students must have two years or more of Russian to participate in this
study program in Moscow (second summer session ONLY). Students will take two courses in culture and receive credit for RUS 330 and RUS 369.

First and Second year students earn 8-10 hours of credit upon completion of the program.
Bridge course students will earn 6 hours of credit.

Come to an information session on Thursday, November 29 at 4pm in CAL 422 to find out more details and ask questions.

This program is open to students from all colleges and schools.

See our Moscow Plus program website for more information today!