Kuiper MT, Holtrop M, Vennema H, Lambowitz AM, de Vries H. A 3′ splice site mutation in a nuclear gene encoding a mitochondrial ribosomal protein in Neurospora crassa. J Biol Chem. 263 (6) :2848-52.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Kuiper MT, Holtrop M, Vennema H, Lambowitz AM, de Vries H. A 3′ splice site mutation in a nuclear gene encoding a mitochondrial ribosomal protein in Neurospora crassa. J Biol Chem. 263 (6) :2848-52.
, Filed Under: Publications
Kuiper MT, Akins RA, Holtrop M, de Vries H, Lambowitz AM. Isolation and analysis of the Neurospora crassa Cyt-21 gene. A nuclear gene encoding a mitochondrial ribosomal protein. J Biol Chem. 263 (6) :2840-7.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mann BJ, Akins RA, Lambowitz AM, Metzenberg RL. The structural gene for a phosphorus-repressible phosphate permease in Neurospora crassa can complement a mutation in positive regulatory gene nuc-1. Mol Cell Biol. 8 (3) :1376-9.
, Filed Under: Publications
Kuiper MT, Lambowitz AM. A novel reverse transcriptase activity associated with mitochondrial plasmids of Neurospora. Cell. 55 (4) :693-704.
, Filed Under: Publications
Akins RA, Grant DM, Stohl LL, Bottorff DA, Nargang FE, Lambowitz AM. Nucleotide sequence of the Varkud mitochondrial plasmid of Neurospora and synthesis of a hybrid transcript with a 5′ leader derived from mitochondrial RNA. J Mol Biol. 204 (1) :1-25.