Saldanha R, Mohr G, Belfort M, Lambowitz AM. Group I and group II introns. FASEB J. 7 (1) :15-24.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Saldanha R, Mohr G, Belfort M, Lambowitz AM. Group I and group II introns. FASEB J. 7 (1) :15-24.
, Filed Under: Publications
Lambowitz AM, Belfort M. Introns as mobile genetic elements. Annu Rev Biochem. 62 :587-622.
, Filed Under: Publications
Kennell JC, Moran JV, Perlman PS, Butow RA, Lambowitz AM. Reverse transcriptase activity associated with maturase-encoding group II introns in yeast mitochondria. Cell. 73 (1) :133-46.
, Filed Under: Publications
Wang H, Lambowitz AM. Reverse transcription of the Mauriceville plasmid of Neurospora. Lack of ribonuclease H activity associated with the reverse transcriptase and possible use of mitochondrial ribonuclease H. J Biol Chem. 268 (25) :18951-9.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mohr G, Perlman PS, Lambowitz AM. Evolutionary relationships among group II intron-encoded proteins and identification of a conserved domain that may be related to maturase function. Nucleic Acids Res. 21 (22) :4991-7.
, Filed Under: Publications
Wang H, Kennell JC, Kuiper MT, Sabourin JR, Saldanha R, Lambowitz AM. The Mauriceville plasmid of Neurospora crassa: characterization of a novel reverse transcriptase that begins cDNA synthesis at the 3′ end of template RNA. Mol Cell Biol. 12 (11) :5131-44.