Zimmerly S, Moran JV, Perlman PS, Lambowitz AM. Group II intron reverse transcriptase in yeast mitochondria. Stabilization and regulation of reverse transcriptase activity by the intron RNA. J Mol Biol. 289 (3) :473-90.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Zimmerly S, Moran JV, Perlman PS, Lambowitz AM. Group II intron reverse transcriptase in yeast mitochondria. Stabilization and regulation of reverse transcriptase activity by the intron RNA. J Mol Biol. 289 (3) :473-90.
, Filed Under: Publications
Lambowitz S. How to implement a case-mix system in less than a year. Manag Care Q. 7 (1) :64-9.
, Filed Under: Publications
Wank H, SanFilippo J, Singh RN, Matsuura M, Lambowitz AM. A reverse transcriptase/maturase promotes splicing by binding at its own coding segment in a group II intron RNA. Mol Cell. 4 (2) :239-50.
, Filed Under: Publications
Saldanha R, Chen B, Wank H, Matsuura M, Edwards J, Lambowitz AM. RNA and protein catalysis in group II intron splicing and mobility reactions using purified components. Biochemistry. 38 (28) :9069-83.