Myers CA, Kuhla B, Cusack S, Lambowitz AM. tRNA-like recognition of group I introns by a tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99 (5) :2630-5.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Myers CA, Kuhla B, Cusack S, Lambowitz AM. tRNA-like recognition of group I introns by a tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99 (5) :2630-5.
, Filed Under: Publications
Singh RN, Saldanha RJ, D’Souza LM, Lambowitz AM. Binding of a group II intron-encoded reverse transcriptase/maturase to its high affinity intron RNA binding site involves sequence-specific recognition and autoregulates translation. J Mol Biol. 318 (2) :287-303.
, Filed Under: Publications
San Filippo J, Lambowitz AM. Characterization of the C-terminal DNA-binding/DNA endonuclease region of a group II intron-encoded protein. J Mol Biol. 324 (5) :933-51.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mohr S, Stryker JM, Lambowitz AM. A DEAD-box protein functions as an ATP-dependent RNA chaperone in group I intron splicing. Cell. 109 (6) :769-79.