Noah JW, Lambowitz AM. Effects of maturase binding and Mg2+ concentration on group II intron RNA folding investigated by UV cross-linking. Biochemistry. 42 (43) :12466-80.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Noah JW, Lambowitz AM. Effects of maturase binding and Mg2+ concentration on group II intron RNA folding investigated by UV cross-linking. Biochemistry. 42 (43) :12466-80.
, Filed Under: Publications
Frazier CL, San Filippo J, Lambowitz AM, Mills DA. Genetic manipulation of Lactococcus lactis by using targeted group II introns: generation of stable insertions without selection. Appl Environ Microbiol. 69 (2) :1121-8.
, Filed Under: Publications
Zhong J, Lambowitz AM. Group II intron mobility using nascent strands at DNA replication forks to prime reverse transcription. EMBO J. 22 (17) :4555-65.
, Filed Under: Publications
Muñoz-Adelantado E, San Filippo J, Martínez-Abarca F, García-Rodríguez FM, Lambowitz AM, Toro N. Mobility of the Sinorhizobium meliloti group II intron RmInt1 occurs by reverse splicing into DNA, but requires an unknown reverse transcriptase priming mechanism. J Mol Biol. 327 (5) :931-43.
, Filed Under: Publications
Aizawa Y, Xiang Q, Lambowitz AM, Pyle AM. The pathway for DNA recognition and RNA integration by a group II intron retrotransposon. Mol Cell. 11 (3) :795-805.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mohr G, Lambowitz AM. Putative proteins related to group II intron reverse transcriptase/maturases are encoded by nuclear genes in higher plants. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (2) :647-52.
, Filed Under: Publications
Zhong J, Karberg M, Lambowitz AM. Targeted and random bacterial gene disruption using a group II intron (targetron) vector containing a retrotransposition-activated selectable marker. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (6) :1656-64.
, Filed Under: Publications
Huang H-R, Chao MY, Armstrong B, Wang Y, Lambowitz AM, Perlman PS. The DIVa maturase binding site in the yeast group II intron aI2 is essential for intron homing but not for in vivo splicing. Mol Cell Biol. 23 (23) :8809-19.