Cui X, Matsuura M, Wang Q, Ma H, Lambowitz AM. A group II intron-encoded maturase functions preferentially in cis and requires both the reverse transcriptase and X domains to promote RNA splicing. J Mol Biol. 340 (2) :211-31.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Cui X, Matsuura M, Wang Q, Ma H, Lambowitz AM. A group II intron-encoded maturase functions preferentially in cis and requires both the reverse transcriptase and X domains to promote RNA splicing. J Mol Biol. 340 (2) :211-31.
, Filed Under: Publications
Watanabe K, Lambowitz AM. High-affinity binding site for a group II intron-encoded reverse transcriptase/maturase within a stem-loop structure in the intron RNA. RNA. 10 (9) :1433-43.
, Filed Under: Publications
Lambowitz AM, Zimmerly S. Mobile group II introns. Annu Rev Genet. 38 :1-35.
, Filed Under: Publications
Chen X, Mohr G, Lambowitz AM. The Neurospora crassa CYT-18 protein C-terminal RNA-binding domain helps stabilize interdomain tertiary interactions in group I introns. RNA. 10 (4) :634-44.
, Filed Under: Publications
Perutka J, Wang W, Goerlitz D, Lambowitz AM. Use of computer-designed group II introns to disrupt Escherichia coli DExH/D-box protein and DNA helicase genes. J Mol Biol. 336 (2) :421-39.