Del Campo M, Lambowitz AM. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of the DEAD-box protein Mss116p complexed with an RNA oligonucleotide and AMP-PNP. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 65 (Pt 8) :832-5.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Del Campo M, Lambowitz AM. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction of the DEAD-box protein Mss116p complexed with an RNA oligonucleotide and AMP-PNP. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 65 (Pt 8) :832-5.
, Filed Under: Publications
Zhuang F, Karberg M, Perutka J, Lambowitz AM. EcI5, a group IIB intron with high retrohoming frequency: DNA target site recognition and use in gene targeting. RNA. 15 (3) :432-49.
, Filed Under: Publications
Markov DA, Savkina M, Anikin M, Del Campo M, Ecker K, Lambowitz AM, De Gnore JP, McAllister WT. Identification of proteins associated with the yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase by tandem affinity purification. Yeast. 26 (8) :423-40.
, Filed Under: Publications
Zhuang F, Mastroianni M, White TB, Lambowitz AM. Linear group II intron RNAs can retrohome in eukaryotes and may use nonhomologous end-joining for cDNA ligation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106 (43) :18189-94.
, Filed Under: Publications
Del Campo M, Lambowitz AM. Structure of the Yeast DEAD box protein Mss116p reveals two wedges that crimp RNA. Mol Cell. 35 (5) :598-609.
, Filed Under: Publications
Del Campo M, Mohr S, Jiang Y, Jia H, Jankowsky E, Lambowitz AM. Unwinding by local strand separation is critical for the function of DEAD-box proteins as RNA chaperones. J Mol Biol. 389 (4) :674-93.