Potratz JP, Del Campo M, Wolf RZ, Lambowitz AM, Russell R. ATP-dependent roles of the DEAD-box protein Mss116p in group II intron splicing in vitro and in vivo. J Mol Biol. 411 (3) :661-79.
100 East 24th St., Stop A5000
Austin, TX 78712 (email)
, Filed Under: Publications
Potratz JP, Del Campo M, Wolf RZ, Lambowitz AM, Russell R. ATP-dependent roles of the DEAD-box protein Mss116p in group II intron splicing in vitro and in vivo. J Mol Biol. 411 (3) :661-79.
, Filed Under: Publications
Lambowitz AM, Zimmerly S. Group II introns: mobile ribozymes that invade DNA. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 3 (8) :a003616.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mohr G, Del Campo M, Turner KG, Gilman B, Wolf RZ, Lambowitz AM. High-throughput genetic identification of functionally important regions of the yeast DEAD-box protein Mss116p. J Mol Biol. 413 (5) :952-72.
, Filed Under: Publications
Paukstelis PJ, Chari N, Lambowitz AM, Hoffman D. NMR Structure of the C-terminal domain of a tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase that functions in group I intron splicing. Biochemistry. 50 (18) :3816-26.
, Filed Under: Publications
Mallam AL, Jarmoskaite I, Tijerina P, Del Campo M, Seifert S, Guo L, Russell R, Lambowitz AM. Solution structures of DEAD-box RNA chaperones reveal conformational changes and nucleic acid tethering by a basic tail. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108 (30) :12254-9.