Author Archives: Laura Colgin
Congratulations to Ayomide Akinsooto on her graduation from UT Austin!
Grid cell co-activity patterns during sleep reflect spatial overlap of grid fields during active behaviors
Ernie’s new paper showing that CA3 place cells that fired in a novel environment are preferentially reactivated during sleep is out in Hippocampus.
John and Laura publish a Spotlight in Neuron about an exciting new paper from the Ulanovsky group.
Spike Time Synchrony in the Absence of Continuous Oscillations
The highlighted paper by Eliav and colleagues shows modulation of spike times by the phase of irregular fluctuations in bat hippocampal local field potentials:
Alex and Laura publish a review entitled “Gamma oscillations in cognitive disorders”.
Congratulations to Dr. Brian Gereke!
Congratulations to Dr. Sean Trettel!
On December 4, 2017, Sean Trettel successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled, “Grid cell co-activity patterns remain stable across different behavioral states and experiences”. Sean has now moved on to a Postdoctoral Researcher position in Rebecca Burwell’s lab at Brown University. Congratulations, Sean!