Devin received a Bachelor of Science and Arts in Neuroscience with Honors. He will pursue his PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Washington, where he was awarded a prestigious ARCS fellowship.
Author Archives: Laura Colgin
Congratulations to Nicole Alexander on her graduation from UT Austin!
Congratulations to Nicole for her 2017 Undergraduate Research Forum Award!
Chenguang and Laura comment on an exciting new paper from the Ji Lab.
Chun-Ting Wu and colleagues found that place cells replay representations of locations to be avoided. You may read about their findings here:
Chenguang and Laura comment on the importance of this work here:
Alex’s paper showing impaired stability and rhythmic modulation of place cells in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease is now out.
The study is published in the current issue of Hippocampus:
New paper relating fast gamma rhythms to encoding of new associative memories
The lab published a new study in eNeuro showing that fast gamma activity is enhanced as animals learn new associations between objects and places:
Memory Matters 2016
Congratulations to Ernie! He passed his qualifying exam!
New paper describing how spatial sequence coding differs during slow and fast gamma rhythms
Chenguang’s and Kevin’s paper on spatial sequence coding during slow and fast gamma rhythms is featured on the cover of the latest issue of Neuron:
A video abstract describing the work can be found here:
Scientific American also covered the findings:
New paper on social remapping in CA2
Our collaboration with the Dudek Lab has been published in Nature Communications: