Postdoc Positions
We have multiple openings for postdocs. Research projects include photonic quantum information and hybrid quantum hardware. Experience in quantum optics, quantum information, or cryostat operation are highly welcome. To inquire, please contact Prof. Linran Fan ( with a brief description of research interests and CV.
Prospective Graduate Students
We are always seeking exceptional PhD students to join our group. Backgrounds in electrical engineering, applied physics, physics, photonics, or nanotechnology are preferred. Please submit your application to UT Austin ECE, select Electronics, Photonics and Quantum Systems (EPQS) or Electromagnetics & Acoustics Track, and list my name in your application. You may also contact Prof. Linran Fan ( with a brief introduction and CV.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Research positions available to highly motivated undergraduate students who have strong interests and commitment to research. Interested students please contact Prof. Linran Fan ( with a brief introduction and CV.