C. Cui, L. Zhang, and L. Fan, “Control spontaneous symmetry breaking of photonic chirality with reconfigurable anomalous nonlinearity”, arXiv 2208.04866.
L. Zhang, C. Cui, P. K. Chen, and L. Fan, “Integrated waveguide-based acousto-optic modulation with near-unity conversion efficiency“, arXiv 2302.10264.
J. Wu, L. Fan, and Q. Zhuang, “Teleportation-based microwave-optical quantum transduction enhanced by squeezing“, arXiv 2306.06856.
P. K. Chen, I. Briggs, C. Cui, L. Zhang, M. Shah, and L. Fan, “Adapted poling to break the nonlinear efficiency limit in nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides“, Nature Nanotechnology, accepted (2023).
M. Shah, I. Briggs, P. K. Chen, S. Hou, and L. Fan, “Visible-telecom tunable dual-band optical isolator based on dynamic modulation in thin-film lithium niobate“, Optics Letters, 48, 1978 (2023).
L. Zhang, C. Cui, J. Yan, Y. Guo, J. Wang, and L. Fan, “On-chip parallel processing of quantum frequency combs”, NPJ Quantum Information, 9, 57 (2023).
D. Anderson, M. Shah, and L. Fan, “Clarification of exceptional point contribution for photonic sensing”, Physical Review Applied, 19, 034059 (2023).
B. Zhang, J. Wu, L. Fan, and Q. Zhuang, “Hybrid Entanglement Distribution between Remote Microwave Quantum Computers Empowered by Machine Learning”, Physical Review Applied, 18, 064016 (2022).
C. Cui, L. Zhang, and L. Fan, “In situ control of effective Kerr nonlinearity with Pockels integrated photonics”, Nature Physics, 18, 497 (2022).
P. K. Chen, I. Briggs, S. Hou, and L. Fan, “Ultra-broadband quadrature squeezing with thin-film lithium niobate nanophotonics”, Optics Letters, 47, 1506 (2022).
Y. Xu, A. Sayem, L. Fan, C. L. Zou, S. Wang, R. Cheng, W. Fu, L. Yang, M. Xu, and H. Tang, “Bidirectional interconversion of microwave and light with thin-film lithium niobate”, Nature Communications, 12, 4453 (2021).
J. Wu, C. Cui, L. Fan, and Q. Zhuang, “Deterministic microwave-optical transduction based on quantum teleportation”, Physical Review Applied, 16, 064044 (2021).
C. Cui, L. Zhang, and L. Fan, “Photonic analog of Mollow triplet with on-chip photon-pair generation in dressed modes”, Optics Letters, 46, 4753 (2021).
I. Briggs, S. Hou, C. Cui, and L. Fan, “Simultaneous type-I and type-II phase matching for second-order nonlinearity in integrated lithium niobate waveguide”, Optics Express, 29, 26183 (2021).
M. Shah, and L. Fan, “Frequency superresolution with spectrotemporal shaping of photons”, Physical Review Applied, 15, 034071 (2021).
C. Cui, C. Gagatsos, S. Guha, and L. Fan, “High-purity pulsed squeezing generation with integrated photonics”, Physical Review Research, 3, 013199 (2021).
L. Fan, X. Yan, H. Wang, and L. V. Wang, “Real-time single-shot spatial-temporal observation of optical chaos”, Science Advances, 7, eabc8448 (2021).
Y. Xu, A. Sayem, C. L. Zou, L. Fan, R. Cheng, and H. Tang, “Photorefraction-induced Bragg scattering in cryogenic lithium niobate ring resonators”, Optics Letters, 46, 432 (2021).
C. Cui, K. Seshadreesan, S. Guha, and L. Fan, “High-dimensional frequency-encoded quantum information processing with time-resolving detection”, Physical Review Letters, 124, 190502 (2020).
L. Fan, “Squeezed light goes flexible”, Frontiers of Physics, 16, 1 (2020).
L. Fan, C. Zou, N. Zhu, and H. Tang, “Spectro-temporal shaping of itinerant photons via distributed nanomechanics”, Nature Photonics, 13, 323 (2019).
Z. Gong, A. Bruch, M. Shen, X. Guo, H. Jung, L. Fan, X. Liu, L. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Li, J. Yan, and H. Tang, “High-fidelity cavity soliton generation in crystalline AlN micro-ring resonators”, Optics Letters, 43, 4366 (2018).
L. Fan, C. Zou, R. Cheng, X. Guo, X. Han, Z. Gong, S. Wang, and H. Tang, “Superconducting cavity electro-optics: A platform for coherent photon conversion between superconducting and photonic circuits”, Science Advances, 4, 4994 (2018).
R. Cheng, M. Poot, X. Guo, L. Fan, and H. Tang, “Large-area superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with double-stage avalanche structure”, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27, 1 (2017).
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