Recognition of Excellence
- Yeram S. Touloukian Awarded to Li Shi
- Texas Engineers Land Semiconductor Grants Through CHIPS Act-Backed NSF Program
- NSF and partners invest $45 million in the future of semiconductors
- Dr. Annie Weathers has been selected as one of Caltech’s 2017 Young Investigator Lecturers in Engineering and Applied Science
- Engineers Receive $22.8 Million from DOD for Cross-Disciplinary Projects
- 2-Dimensional Research Wins 3-Dimenstional Career Award
- Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Wins Streetman Prize
- Li Shi Elected APS Fellow
- Mechanical Engineering Professor Receives TAMEST Award
- JaeHyun Kim and Mir Mohammad Sadeghi received the Warren A. and Alice L. Meyer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
- Pat Jurney received First Place Poster Award in 2011 UT ME Graduate Research Poster Contest
- Insun Jo received Poster Presentation Award in 2011 UT Nanonight
- Annie Weathers Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Michael Pettes received Best Poster Award in 2010 UT ME Graduate Research Poster Contest
- Michael Pettes received Best Poster Award in 2009 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston
- Mary Moore received Best Student Presentation Award for the Graduate Portfolio Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Mary Moore received the “Most Innovative Research Presentation” award in the Graduate and Industry Networking (GAIN) Presentation Competition
- Jae Hun Seol and Feng Zhou Awarded David Bruton, Jr. Gradaute Fellowship
- Sanjoy Saha Awarded David Bruton, Jr. Graduate Fellowship
- Mary Moore received First Place Poster Award in 2009 UT ME Graduate Research Poster Contest
- Texas Students Win $25K at ORNL Nano Competition
- Michael Pettes and Sarah Ruch Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Prof. Li Shi received Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award
Newsworthy Discoveries
- Innovative Thermal Measurement Unveils a Distinctive Electron Cooling Mechanism in Graphene Devices
- Semiconductor crystals achieve record thermal conductivity
- New semiconducting crystal rivals diamond for heat conductivity
- Boron arsenide crystals could cool computer chips
- Researchers upend conventional wisdom on thermal conductivity
- Making graphene work for real-world devices
- Heat-conducting polymer cools hot electronic devices at 200 degrees Celsius
- Nano Portfolio Program Student Publishes Article in PNAS
- Disk-shaped nanoparticles more easily absorbed than rods
- Professors Advance Nanoparticle Research for Health Applications
- Graphene Spreads the Heat
- With Support, Graphene Still a Superior Thermal Conductor
- Graphene’s Thermal Conductivity
- Graphene, the Promising “Wonder” Materials for Nanoelectronics, Now Passes Heat Transfer Test
- Carbon Sheets Offer Cool Solution for Computers
- Graphene, “Wonder” Materials for Nanoelectronics, Passes Critical Test
- Nanotube Thermal Measurement Used as a Text-Book Example in Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Incropera, DeWitt, Bergman, and Lavine
- NanoThermo Research Cited as One of the Notable Accomplishments from NSF CTS Awards
- Nanobelts Tackle Nerve Gases
- UT Researching Small Detectors
- Nano Sensor ‘Immune’ to Toxins It Detects
- Engineers Develop Biowarfare Sensing Elements
- Engineers Develop Inexpensive Biowarfare Sensing Elements
- Postdoc’s Work Leads to Bio Sensing Device
- UT Nanobelts Tackle Nerve Gases
- Thermoelectricity in Semiconductor Nanostructures
- University of Texas at Austin Engineers and Physicists First to Measure Thermo-electric Power at Nano Level
- Tiny Research Could Net Huge Discoveries
- Chemical and Engineering News
- Scanning Thermoelectric Microscopy