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Archival Journal Publications
J. Cheung, K.C. Chien, P. Sokalski, L. Shi, C.H. Chang, “Fabrication of Hierarchical Sapphire Nanostructures using Ultrafast Laser Induced Morphology Change,” Nanotechnology (2025)
Z. Guo, P. Sokalski, Z. Han, Y. Cheng, L. Shi, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. Ruan, “First-principles Prediction of Zone-center Optical Phonon Linewidths and IR Spectra of Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” Applied Physics Letters 125, 231106 (2024)
X, Li, L. Shi, “Open Problems in Transport Physics of Ultrahigh-thermal Conductivity Materials”, Journal of Materials Research 36, 7623 (2024)
R. Nelson, J. King, S, Cheng, A. Williams, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, S. Sasmal, I-H. Kao, A. Tiwari, N. Jones, C. Cai, E. Martin, A. Dolocan, L. Shi, R. Kawakami, J. Heremans, J. Katoch, J. Goldberger, “Revealing the EuCd2As2 Semiconducting Band Gap via n-type La-Doping,” Chemistry of Materials 36, 7623–7632 (2024)
Y. Wang, S. Li, N. Wub, Q. Jia, T. Hokea, L. Shi, Y. Li, X. Chen, “Thermal Properties and Lattice Anharmonicity of Li-ion Conducting Garnet Solid Electrolyte,” J. Mater. Chem. A, 12, 18248-18257 (2024)
Q. Jia, Y. Y. Zhou, X. Li, L. Lindsay, L. Shi, “Differential Multi-probe Thermal Transport Measurements of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 216, 124535 (2023)
M. M. Sadeghi, Y. Huang, C. Lian, F. Giustino, E. Tutuc, A. H. MacDonald, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, L. Shi, “Tunable Electron-Flexural Phonon Interactions in Graphene Heterostructures,” Nature 617, 282–286 (2023)
S. Sullivan, H. Lee, A. Weathers, L. Shi, “Frequency-dependent Phonon-mediated Unidirectional Magnetoresistance in a Metal on an Insulator with Highly Nonequilibrium Magnons,” Physical Review B 107, L140412 (2023)
H. Lee, Y.Y. Zhou, S. Jung, H. Li, Z. Cheng, J. He, J. Chen, P. Sokalski, A. Dolocan, R. Gearba-Dolocan, K. C. Matthews, F. Giustino, J. Zhou, L. Shi “High-pressure Synthesis and Thermal Conductivity of Semi-metallic θ-tantalum Nitride,” Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2212957 (2023)
Z. Han, P. Sokalski, L. Shi, X. Ruan, “Prediction of Hot zone-center optical phonons in laser-irradiated molybdenum disulfide with a semiconductor multitemperature model,” Physical Review B 107, L041407 (2023)
P. Sokalski, Z. Han, G.C. Fleming, B. Smith, S.E. Sullivan, R. Huang, X Ruan, L. Shi, “Effects of Hot Phonons and Thermal Stress in Micro-Raman Spectra of Molybdenum Disulphide,” Applied Physics Letters 121, 182202 (2022)
Y.J. Zhou, W.-P. Hsieh, C.-C. Chen, X. Meng1, F. Tian, Z. Ren, L. Shi, J.-F. Lin, Y. Wang, “Defect Modulated Thermal Transport Behavior of BAs under High Pressure,” Applied Physics Letters 121, 121902 (2022)
J.W. Shin, G. A. Gamage, Z. W. Ding, K. Chen, F. Tian, X. Qian, J. W. Zhou, H. Lee, J. S. Zhou, L. Shi, T. Nguyen, F. Han, M. D. Li, D. Broido, A. Schmidt, Z. F. Ren, G. Chen, “High Ambipolar Mobility in Cubic Boron Arsenide,” Science 377, 437–440 (2022)
Y. Y. Zhou, C. Li, P. Koirala, G. A. Gamage, H. Wu, S. Li, N. K. Ravichandran, H. Lee, A. Dolocan, B. Lv, D. Broido, Z. Ren, Li Shi, “Peak Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Boron Arsenide Crystals,” Physical Review Materials 6, L061601 (2022)
X. Li, H.Lee, E. Ou, S. Lee, L. Shi, “Reexamination of Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport in Thin Graphite,” Journal of Applied Physics 131, 075104 (2022)
Z. Han, X. Yang, S. Sullivan, T. Feng, L Shi, W. Li, X. Ruan, ”Raman Linewidth Contributions from Four-Phonon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphene,” Physical Review Letters 128, 045901 (2022)
Q. Jia, Y.F. Liu, D.L. Fan, L. Shi, “Structural and Synthetic Modification of Graphitic Foams and Dendritic Graphitic Foams for Thermal Management,” Physica Status Solidi (a) – Applications and Materials Science 219, 2100576 (2022)
Y. Y. Zhou, C. Li, D. Broido, L. Shi, “A Differential Thin Film Resistance Thermometry Method for Peak Thermal Conductivity Measurements of High Thermal Conductivity Crystals,” Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 094901, 2021
X. Chen, C.H. Li, Y.M. Xu, A. Dolocan, G. Seward, A.V. Roekeghem, F. Tian, J. Xing, S.C. Guo, N. Ni, Z.F. Ren, J.S. Zhou, N. Mingo, D. Broido, L. Shi, “Effects of Impurities on the Thermal and Electrical Transport Properties of Cubic Boron Arsenide,” Chemistry of Materials 33, 6974−6982 (2021)
J. Jeong, X. Li, S. Lee, L. Shi, Y. Wang, “Transient Hydrodynamic Lattice Cooling by Picosecond Laser Irradiation of graphite,” Physical Review Letters 127, 085901, 2021
H. Lee, G. Gamage, J. Lyons, F. Tian, B. Smith, E. Glaser, Z. Ren, L. Shi, “Electronic Structure of Cubic Boron Arsenide Probed by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54, 31LT01, 2021
B. Smith, G. Coloyan Fleming, K. D. Parrish, F. Wen, E. Fleming, K. Jarvis, E. Tutuc, A. J.H. McGaughey, L. Shi, “Mean Free Path Suppression of Low-Frequency Phonons in SiGe Nanowires,” Nano Letters 20, 8384−8391, 2020
Y. Wang, D. M. Hamann, D. Leo M. Cordova, J. Chen, B. Wang, L. Shen, Z. Cai, H. Shi, E. Karapetrova, I. Aravind, L. Shi, D. C. Johnson, S. B. Cronin, “Enhanced Low-Temperature Thermoelectric Performance in (PbSe)1+δ(VSe2)1 Heterostructures due to Highly Correlated Electrons in Charge Density Waves,” Nano Letters 20, 8008–8014, 2020
X. Meng, A. Singh, R. Juneja, Y. Zhang, F. Tian, Z. Ren, A. Singh, L. Shi J.F. Lin, Y. Wang, “Pressure-Dependent Behavior of Defect-Modulated Band Structure in Boron Arsenide“, Advanced Materials, 2001942, 2020.
Q. Jia and L. Shi, “Synthesis and thermal transport properties of high-surface area hexagonal boron nitride foam structures,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 161, p. 120268, 2020
X. Chen, K. Jaehyun, Q. Jia, S. E. Sillivan, Y. Xu, K. Javis, J. Zhou, and L. Shi, “Synthesis and Magnon Thermal Transport Properties of Spin Ladder Sr14Cu24O41 Microstructures,” Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 30, 2001637, 2020
K. S. Olsson, K. An, G. A. Flete, J. Zhou, L. Shi, and X. Li, “Pure spin current and magnon chemical potential in a nonequilibrium magnetic insulator,” Physical Review X, vol. 10, 021029 , 2020
K. Chen, B. Song, N. K. Ravichandran, Q. Zheng, X. Chen, H. Lee, H. Sun, S. Li, G. A. Gamage, F. Tian, Z. Ding, Q. Song, A. Rai, H. Wu, P. Koirala, A. J. Schmidt, K. Watanabe, B. Lv, Z. Ren, L. Shi, D. G. Cahill, T. Taniguchi, D. Broido, and G. Chen, “Ultrahigh thermal conductivity in isotope-enriched cubic boron nitride,” Science, vol. 367, pp. 555–559, 2020
D. Mehta, J. Zhang, B. Smith, J. Lou, L. Shi, “Thermoelectric Measurements of High-resistance Janus Monolayer Transition-metal Dichalcogenide,” Review of Scientific Instruments vol. 90, 105110, 2019
X. Chen, Li, C., Tian, F., Gamage, G. A., Sullivan, S., Zhou, J., Broido, D., Ren, Z., and Shi, L., “Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Lattice Anharmonicity of Cubic Boron Arsenide,” Phys. Rev. Applied, vol. 11, pp. 064070, 2019
E. Ou, Li, X., Lee, S., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., and Shi, L., “Four-Probe Measurement of Thermal Transport in Suspended Few-layer Graphene with Polymer Residue,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 141, pp. 061601, 2019
B. Smith, Lindsay, L., Kim, J., Ou, E., Huang, R., and Shi, L., “Phonon interaction with ripples and defects in thin layered molybdenum disulfide,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, pp. 221902, 2019
L. Shi, “Nonresistive heat transport by collective phonon flow,” Science, vol. 364, pp. 332–333, 2019
X. Chen, Carrete, J., Sullivan, S., van Roekeghem, A., Li, Z., Li, X., Zhou, J., Mingo, N., and Shi, L., “Coupling of spinons with defects and phonons in the spin chain compound Ca2CuO3,” Physical Review Letters, vol. 122, pp. 185901, 2019
E. Fleming, Du, F., Ou, E., Dai, L., and Shi, L., “Thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes grown by catalyst-free chemical vapor deposition in nanopores,” Carbon, vol. 145, pp. 195-200, 2019
J. Chen, D. M. Hamann, D. S. Choi, N. Poudel, L. Shen, L. Shi, D. C. Johnson, S. B. Cronin, “Enhanced Cross-plane Thermoelectric Transport of Rotationally-disordered SnSe2 via Se Vapor Annealing,” Nano Letters, vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 6876–6881, 2018
J. Chen, Kim, J., Poudel, N., Hou, B., Shen, L., Shi, H., Shi, L., and Cronin, S., “Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency in topological insulator Bi2Te3 nanoplates via atomic layer deposition-based surface passivation,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 113, pp. 083904, 2018
F. Tian, Song, B., Chen, X., Ravichandran, N. K., Lv, Y., Chen, K., Sullivan, S., Kim, J., Zhou, Y., Liu, T. – H., Goni, M., Ding, Z., Sun, J., Gamage, G. A. G. U., Sun, H., Ziyaee, H., Huyan, S., Deng, L., Zhou, J., Schmidt, A. J., Chen, S., Chu, C. – W., Huang, P. Y., Broido, D., Shi, L., Chen, G., and Ren, Z., “Unusual high thermal conductivity in boron arsenide bulk crystals,” Science, vol. 361, pp. 582–585, 2018
J. Xing, Chen, X., Zhou, Y., Culbertson, J. C., Freitas, J. A., Glaser, E. R., Zhou, J., Shi, L., and Ni, N., “Multimillimeter-sized cubic boron arsenide grown by chemical vapor transport via a tellurium tetraiodide transport agent,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, pp. 261901, 2018
E. Fleming, Kholmanov, I., and Shi, L., “Enhanced specific surface and thermal conductivity in ultrathin graphite foams grown by chemical vapor deposition on sintered nickel powder templates,” Carbon, vol. 136, pp. 380-386, 2018
D. S. Choi, Poudel, N., Park, S., Akinwande, D., Cronin, S. B., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Large Reduction of Hot Spot Temperature in Graphene Electronic Devices with Heat-Spreading Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 10 , pp. 11101–11107, 2018
J. Kim, Fleming, E., Zhou, Y., and Shi, L., “Comparison of four-probe thermal and thermoelectric transport measurements of thin films and nanostructures with microfabricated electro-thermal transducers,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 51, pp. 103002, 2018
K. S. Olsson, An, K., Ma, X., Sullivan, S., Venu, V., Tsoi, M., Zhou, J., Shi, L., and Li, X., “Temperature-dependent Brillouin light scattering spectra of magnons in yttrium iron garnet and permalloy,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, pp. 024448, 2017
A. Weathers, Carrete, J., DeGrave, J. P., Higgins, J. M., Moore, A. L., Kim, J., Mingo, N., Jin, S., and Shi, L., “Glass-like thermal conductivity in nanostructures of a complex anisotropic crystal,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 96, pp. 214202, 2017
X. Chen, Jarvis, K., Sullivan, S., Li, Y., Zhou, J., and Shi, L., “Effects of grain boundaries and defects on anisotropic magnon transport in textured Sr14Cu24O41,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 95, pp. 144310, 2017
N. Poudel, Liang, S. – J., Choi, D., Hou, B., Shen, L., Shi, H., Ang, L. K., Shi, L., and Cronin, S., “Cross-plane Thermoelectric and Thermionic Transport across Au/h-BN/Graphene Heterostructures,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, pp. 14148, 2017
J. Zhang, Jia, S., Kholmanov, I., Dong, L., Er, D., Chen, W., Guo, H., Jin, Z., Shenoy, V. B., Shi, L., and Lou, J., “Janus Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides,” ACS Nano, vol. 11, pp. 8192 , 2017
S. Sullivan, Vallabhaneni, A. K., Kholmanov, I., Ruan, X., Murthy, J., and Shi, L., “Optical generation and detection of local non-equilibrium phonons in suspended graphene,” Nano Letters, vol. 17, pp. 2049–2056 , 2017
D. Choi, Poudel, N., Cronin, S. B., and Shi, L., “Effects of basal-plane thermal conductivity and interface thermal conductance on the hot spot temperature in graphene electronic devices,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, pp. 073104, 2017
Z. Li, Bauers, S. R., Poudel, N., Hamann, D., Wang, X., Choi, D. S., Esfarjani, K., Shi, L., Johnson, D. C., and Cronin, S. B., “Cross-Plane Seebeck Coefficient Measurement of Misfit Layered Compounds (SnSe)n(TiSe2)n (n = 1,3,4,5),” Nano Letters, vol. 17, pp. 1978–1986 , 2017
P. Jurney, Agarwal, R., Singh, V., Choi, D., Roy, K., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Shi, L., “Unique size and shape-dependent uptake behaviors of non-spherical nanoparticles by endothelial cells due to a shearing flow,” Journal of Controlled Release, vol. 245, pp. 170–176 , 2017
B. Smith, Vermeersch, B., Carrete, J., Ou, E., Kim, J., Mingo, N., Akinwande, D., and Shi, L., “Temperature and Thickness Dependences of the Anisotropic In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Black Phosphorus,” Advanced Materials, vol. 29, pp. 1603756, 2017
X. Chen, Bansal, D., Sullivan, S., Abernathy, D. L., Aczel, A. A., Zhou, J., Delaire, O., and Shi, L., “Weak coupling of pseudoacoustic phonons and magnon dynamics in the incommensurate spin-ladder compound Sr14Cu24O41,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 94, pp. 134309, 2016
K. An, Olsson, K. S., Weathers, A., Sullivan, S., Chen, X., Li, X., Marshall, L. G., Ma, X., Klimovich, N., Zhou, J., Shi, L., and Li, X., “Magnons and Phonons Optically Driven out of Local Equilibrium in a Magnetic Insulator,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 117, pp. 107202, 2016
L. Zhang, Chen, X., Tang, Y., Shi, L., Snyder, J. G., Goodenough, J. B., and Zhou, J., “Thermal stability of Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 in inert gases and atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 thin film as a protective coating,” J. Mater. Chem. A, vol. 4, pp. 17726-17731, 2016
M. Kayyalha, Maassen, J., Lundstrom, M., Shi, L., and Chen, Y. P., “Gate-tunable and thickness-dependent electronic and thermoelectric transport in few-layer MoS2,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 120, pp. 134305, 2016
G. Coloyan, Cultrara, N. D., Katre, A., Carrete, J., Heine, M., Ou, E., Kim, J., Jiang, S., Lindsay, L., Mingo, N., Broido, D., Heremans, J. P., Goldberger, J., and Shi, L., “Basal-plane thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline and amorphized thin germanane,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 109, pp. 131907, 2016
M. T. Pettes, Kim, J., Wu, W., Bustillo, K. C., and Shi, L., “Thermoelectric transport in surface- and antimony-doped bismuth telluride nanoplates,” APL Mater., vol. 4, pp. 104810, 2016
M. M. Sadeghi, Park, S., Huang, Y., Akinwande, D., Yao, Z., Murthy, J., and Shi, L., “Quantitative scanning thermal microscopy of graphene devices on flexible polyimide substrates,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, pp. 235101, 2016
J. Kim, Evans, D. A., Sellan, D. P., Williams, O. M., Ou, E., Cowley, A. H., and Shi, L., “Thermal and thermoelectric transport measurements of an individual boron arsenide microstructure,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, pp. 201905, 2016
L. Zhang, Xiao, P., Shi, L., Henkelman, G., Goodenough, J. B., and Zhou, J., “Localized Mg-vacancy states in the thermoelectric material Mg2−δSi0.4Sn0.6,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 119, pp. 085104, 2016
L. A. Jauregui, Pettes, M. T., Rokhinson, L. P., Shi, L., and Chen, Y. P., “Magnetic field-induced helical mode and topological transitions in a topological insulator nanoribbon,” Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 11, pp. 345–351, 2016
M. T. Pettes, Sadeghi, M. M., Ji, H., Jo, I., Wu, W., Ruoff, R. S., and Shi, L., “Scattering of phonons by high-concentration isotopic impurities in ultrathin graphite,” Phys. Rev. B, vol. 91, pp. 035429, 2015
I. Kholmanov, Kim, J., Ou, E., Ruoff, R. S., and Shi, L., “Continuous Carbon Nanotube–Ultrathin Graphite Hybrid Foams for Increased Thermal Conductivity and Suppressed Subcooling in Composite Phase Change Materials,” ACS Nano, vol. 9, pp. 11699-11707, 2015
X. Chen, Zhou, J., Goodenough, J. B., and Shi, L., “Enhanced thermoelectric power factor of Re-substituted higher manganese silicides with small islands of MnSi secondary phase,” J. Mater. Chem. C, vol. 3, pp. 10500-10508, 2015
R. Agarwal, Jurney, P., Raythatha, M., Singh, V., Sreenivasan, S. V., Shi, L., and Roy, K., “Effect of Shape, Size, and Aspect Ratio on Nanoparticle Penetration and Distribution inside Solid Tissues Using 3D Spheroid Models,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, vol. 4, pp. 2269–2280, 2015
P. Jurney, Agarwal, R., Roy, K., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Shi, L., “Size-Dependent Nanoparticle Uptake by Endothelial Cells in a Capillary Flow System,” Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 011007, 2015
C. – C. Chen, Li, Z., Shi, L., and Cronin, S. B., “Thermoelectric transport across graphene/hexagonal boron nitride/graphene heterostructures,” Nano Research, vol. 8, pp. 666-672, 2015
A. Paul, Shi, L., and Bielawski, C. W., “A eutectic mixture of galactitol and mannitol as a phase change material for latent heat storage,” Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 103, pp. 139 – 146, 2015
L. Shi, Dames, C., Lukes, J. R., Reddy, P., Duda, J., Cahill, D. G., Lee, J., Marconnet, A., Goodson, K. E., Bahk, J. – H., Shakouri, A., Prasher, R. S., Felts, J., King, W. P., Han, B., and Bischof, J. C., “Evaluating Broader Impacts of Nanoscale Thermal Transport Research,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, vol. 19, pp. 127-165, 2015
I. Jo, Pettes, M. T., Lindsay, L., Ou, E., Weathers, A., Moore, A. L., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Reexamination of basal plane thermal conductivity of suspended graphene samples measured by electro-thermal micro-bridge methods,” AIP Advances, vol. 5, pp. 053206, 2015
L. Zhang, Xiao, P., Shi, L., Henkelman, G., Goodenough, J. B., and Zhou, J., “Suppressing the bipolar contribution to the thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6 by Ge substitution,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 117, pp. 155103, 2015
X. Chen, Shi, L., Zhou, J., and Goodenough, J. B., “Effects of ball milling on microstructures and thermoelectric properties of higher manganese silicides,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 641, pp. 30 – 36, 2015
X. Chen, Weathers, A., Carrete, J., Mukhopadhyay, S., Delaire, O., Stewart, D. A., Mingo, N., Girard, S. N., Ma, J., Abernathy, D. L., Yan, J., Sheshka, R., Sellan, D. P., Meng, F., Jin, S., Zhou, J., and Shi, L., “Twisting phonons in complex crystals with quasi-one-dimensional substructures,” Nat Commun, vol. 6, pp. 6723, 2015
J. Kim, Ou, E., Sellan, D. P., and Shi, L., “A four-probe thermal transport measurement method for nanostructures,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86, pp. 044901, 2015
A. Weathers, Khan, Z. U., Brooke, R., Evans, D., Pettes, M. T., Andreasen, J. W., Crispin, X., and Shi, L., “Significant Electronic Thermal Transport in the Conducting Polymer Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene),” Advanced Materials, vol. 27, pp. 2101–2106, 2015
L. A. Jauregui, Pettes, M. T., Rokhinson, L. P., Shi, L., and Chen, Y. P., “Gate Tunable Relativistic Mass and Berry’s phase in Topological Insulator Nanoribbon Field Effect Devices,” Sci. Rep., vol. 5, pp. 8452, 2015
K. S. Olsson, Klimovich, N., An, K., Sullivan, S., Weathers, A., Shi, L., and Li, X., “Temperature dependence of Brillouin light scattering spectra of acoustic phonons in silicon,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 106, pp. 051906, 2015
E. Fleming, Wen, S., Shi, L., and da Silva, A. K., “Experimental and theoretical analysis of an aluminum foam enhanced phase change thermal storage unit,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 82, pp. 273 – 281, 2015
S. N. Girard, Chen, X., Meng, F., Pokhrel, A., Zhou, J., Shi, L., and Jin, S., “Thermoelectric Properties of Undoped High Purity Higher Manganese Silicides Grown by Chemical Vapor Transport,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 26, pp. 5097-5104, 2014
J. Buongiorno, Cahill, D. G., Hidrovo, C. H., Moghaddam, S., Schmidt, A. J., and Shi, L., “Micro- and Nanoscale Measurement Methods for Phase Change Heat Transfer on Planar and Structured Surfaces,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, vol. 18, pp. 270-287, 2014
H. Fateh, Baker, C. A., Hall, M. J., and Shi, L., “High fidelity finite difference model for exploring multi-parameter thermoelectric generator design space,” Applied Energy, vol. 129, pp. 373 – 383, 2014
X. Chen, Girard, S. N., Meng, F., Lara-Curzio, E., Jin, S., Goodenough, J. B., Zhou, J., and Shi, L., “Approaching the Minimum Thermal Conductivity in Rhenium-Substituted Higher Manganese Silicides,” Advanced Energy Materials, vol. 4, no. 14, pp. 1400452 , 2014
I. Jo, Pettes, M. T., Ou, E., Wu, W., and Shi, L., “Basal-plane thermal conductivity of few-layer molybdenum disulfide,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, pp. 201902, 2014
V. Singh, Bougher, T. L., Weathers, A., Cai, Y., Bi, K., Pettes, M. T., McMenamin, S. A., Lv, W., Resler, D. P., Gattuso, T. R., Altman, D. H., Sandhage, K. H., Shi, L., Henry, A., and Cola, B. A., “High thermal conductivity of chain-oriented amorphous polythiophene,” Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 9, pp. 384-390, 2014
A. L. Moore and Shi, L., “Emerging challenges and materials for thermal management of electronics,” Materials Today, vol. 17, pp. 163 – 174, 2014
C. A. Baker, Osman Emiroglu, A., Mallick, R., Ezekoye, O. A., Shi, L., and Hall, M. J., “Development of an Analytical Design Tool for Monolithic Emission Control Catalysts and Application to Nano-Textured Substrate System,” Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications , vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 031014 – 031014, 2014
C. – C. Chen, Li, Z., Shi, L., and Cronin, S. B., “Thermal interface conductance across a graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterojunction,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 104, pp. 081908, 2014
S. Wen, Fleming, E., Shi, L., and da Silva, A. K., “Numerical Optimization and Power Output Control of a Hot Thermal Battery with Phase Change Material,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 65, pp. 825-843, 2014
D. G. Cahill, Braun, P. V., Chen, G., Fan, S. H., Goodson, K. E., Keblinski, P., King, W. P., Mahan, G. D., Majumdar, A., Maris, H. J., Phillpot, S. R., Pop, E., and Shi, L., “Nanoscale Thermal Transport II: 2003-2012,” Applied Physics Reviews, vol. 1, pp. 011305, 2014
H. X. Ji, Sellan, D. P., Pettes, M. T., Kong, X. H., Ji, J. Y., Shi, L., and Ruoff, R. S., “Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Phase Change Materials with Ultrathin-Graphite Foams for Thermal Energy Storage,” Energy & Environmental Science, vol. 7, pp. 1185–1192, 2014
M. T. Pettes and Shi, L., “A Reexamination of Phonon Transport through a Nanoscale Point Contact in Vacuum,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 136, no. 3, pp. 032401, 2014
B. A. Cola, Daiguji, H., Dames, C., Fang, N., Fushinobu, K., Inoue, S., Kikugawa, G., Kohno, M., Kumar, S., Li, D. Y., Lukes, J. R., Malen, J. A., McGaughey, A. J. H., Nakabeppu, O., Pipe, K., Reddy, P., Shen, S., Shi, L., Shibahara, M., Taguchi, Y., Takahashi, K., Yamamoto, T., and Zolotoukhina, T., “Report on the Seventh U.S. –Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena — Science and Engineering,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering , vol. 17, pp. 25-49, 2013
D. R. Birt, An, K. M., Weathers, A., Shi, L., Tsoi, M., and Li, X. Q., ““Brillouin Light Scattering Spectra as Local Temperature Sensors for Thermal Magnons and Acoustic Phonons,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 102, pp. 082401, 2013
S. Z. Butler, Hollen, S. M., Cao, L. Y., Cui, Y., Gupta, J. A., Gutiérrez, H. R., Heinz, T. F., Hong, S. S., Huang, J. X., Ismach, A. F., Johnston-Halperin, E., Kuno, M., Plashnitsa, V. V., Robinson, R. D., Ruoff, R. S., Salahuddin, S., Shan, J., Shi, L., Spencer, M. G., Terrones, M., Windl, W., and Goldberger, J. E., “Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene,” ACS Nano, vol. 7, pp. 2898–2926, 2013
I. Jo, Pettes, M. T., Kim, J. H., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Transport in Suspended Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” Nano Letters, vol. 13, pp. 550–554, 2013
L. A. Valentín, Betancourt, J., Fonseca, L. F., Pettes, M. T., Shi, L., Soszyński, M., and Huczko, A., “A Comprehensive Study of Thermoelectric and Transport Properties of β-Silicon Carbide Nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, pp. 184301, 2013
X. Chen, Weathers, A., Salta, D., Zhang, L. B., Zhou, J. S., Goodenough, J. B., and Shi, L., “Effects of (Al,Ge) Double Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Higher Manganese Silicides,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, pp. 173705, 2013
M. T. Pettes, Maassen, J., Jo, I., Lundstrom, M., and Shi, L., “Effects of Surface Band Bending and Scattering on Thermoelectric Transport in Suspended Bismuth Telluride Nanoplates,” Nano Letters, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 5316–5322, 2013
K. D. Bi, Weathers, A., Matsushita, S., Pettes, M. T., Goh, M. J., Akagi, K., and Shi, L., “Iodine Doping Effects on the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Oxidized Polyacetylene Nanofibers,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, pp. 194302, 2013
R. Agarwal, Singh, V., Jurney, P., Shi, L., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Roy, K., “Mammalian Cells Preferentially Internaliz Hydrogel Nanodiscs over Nanorods and Use Shape-Specific Uptake Mechanisms,” Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, vol. 110, no. 43, pp. 17247–17252, 2013
M. M. Sadeghi, Jo, I., and Shi, L., “Phonon-Interface Scattering in Multi-layered Graphene on an Amorphous Support,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 110, pp. 16321–16326, 2013
A. Weathers, Bi, K. D., Pettes, M. T., and Shi, L., “Reexamination of Thermal Transport Measurements of a Low-Thermal Conductance Nanowire with a Suspended Micro-Device,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 84, pp. 084903, 2013
P. Jurney, Agarwal, R., Singh, V., Roy, K., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Shi, L., “Size-Dependent Nanoparticle Margination and Adhesion Propensity in a Microchannel,” Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 031002, 2013
K. Davami, Weathers, A., Kheirabi, N., Mortazavi, B., Pettes, M. T., Shi, L., Lee, J. S., and Meyyappan, M., “Thermal Conductivity of ZnTe Nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, pp. 134314, 2013
E. Fleming, Wen, S., Shi, L., and da Silva, A. K., “Thermodynamic Model of a Thermal Storage Air Conditioning System with Dynamic Behavior,” Applied Energy, vol. 112, pp. 160–169, 2013
C. Baker, Vuppuluri, P., Shi, L., and Hall, M. J., “Model of Heat Exchangers for Waste Heat Recovery from Diesel Engine Exhaust for Thermoelectric Power Generation,” Journal of Electronic Materials , vol. 41, pp. 1290–1297, 2012
R. Agarwal, Singh, V., Jurney, P., Shi, L., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Roy, K., “Scalable Imprinting of Shape-Specific Polymeric Nanocarriers using a Release Layer of Switchable Water Solubility,” ACS Nano, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 2524–2531, 2012
L. Shi, “Thermal and Thermoelectric Transport in Nanostructures and Low-Dimensional Systems,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, vol. 16, pp. 79–116, 2012
M. M. Sadeghi, Pettes, M. T., and Shi, L., “Thermal Transport in Graphene,” Solid State Communications, vol. 152, pp. 1321–1330, 2012
M. T. Pettes, Ji, H. X., Ruoff, R. S., and Shi, L., “Thermal Transport in Three-Dimensional Foam Architectures of Few-Layer Graphene and Ultrathin Graphite,” Nano Letters, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 2959–-2964, 2012
X. Chen, Weathers, A., Moore, A. L., Zhou, J. S., and Shi, L., “Thermoelectric Properties of Cold-Pressed Higher Manganese Silicides for Waste Heat Recovery,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41, pp. 1564–1572, 2012
H. X. Ji, Zhang, L. L., Pettes, M. T., Li, H. F., Chen, S. S., Shi, L., Piner, R., and Ruoff, R. S., ““Ultra-Thin Graphite Foam: A Three-Dimensional Conductive Network for Battery Electrodes,” Nano Letters, vol. 12, pp. 2446–2451, 2012
I. K. Hsu, Pettes, M. T., Aykolc, M., Chang, C. C., Hung, W. H., Theiss, J., Shi, L., and Cronin, S. B., “Direct Observation of Heat Dissipation in Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotubes Using a Two-Laser Technique,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 110, pp. 044328, 2011
A. L. Moore and Shi, L., “On Errors in Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Suspended and Supported Nanowires using Micro-thermometer Devices from Low to High Temperatures,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 22, pp. 015103, 2011
M. T. Pettes, Jo, I., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Influence of Polymeric Residue on the Thermal Conductivity of Suspended Bi-Layer Graphene,” Nano Letters, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1195–1200, 2011
I. Jo, Hsu, I. K., Lee, Y. J., Sadeghi, M. M., Kim, S., Cronin, S., Tutuc, E., Banerjee, S. K., Z, Y., and Shi, L., “Low-Frequency Acoustic Phonon Temperature Distribution in Electrically Biased Graphene,” Nano Letters, vol. 11, pp. 85–90, 2011
A. J. Heltzel, Shi, L., and Howell, J. R., “Microsphere Coupler for a Nanowire Waveguide Plasmonic Probe for Molecular Imaging,” Nanotechnology, vol. 22, pp. 045203, 2011
S. S. Chen, Moore, A. L., Cai, W. W., Suk, J. W., An, J., Mishra, C., Amos, C., Magnuson, C., Kang, J., Shi, L., and Ruoff, R. S., “Raman Measurements of Thermal Transport in Suspended Monolayer Graphene of Variable Sizes in Vacuum and Gaseous Environments,” ACS Nano, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 321–328, 2011
M. C. Moore, Kang, M. K., Moore, Z., Singh, V., Sreenivasan, S. V., Shi, L., Huang, R., and Roy, K., “Swelling Behavior of Nanoscale Shape- and Size-specific Hydrogel Particles Fabricated using Imprint Lithography,” Soft Matter, vol. 7, pp. 2879–2887, 2011
J. H. Seol, Moore, A. L., Jo, I., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Graphene Exfoliated on Silicon Dioxide,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 133, pp. 022403, 2011
F. Zhou, Moore, A. L., Bolinsson, J., Persson, A., Fröberg, L., Pettes, M. T., Kong, H., Rabenberg, L., Caroff, P., Stewart, D., Mingo, N., Dick, K. A., Samuelson, L., Linke, H., and Shi, L., “Thermal Conductivity of Indium Arsenide Nanowires with Wurtzite and Zinc Blende Phases,” Physical Review B, vol. 83, pp. 205416, 2011
F. Zhou, Persson, A., Samuelson, L., Linke, H., and Shi, L., “Thermal Resistance of a Nanoscale Point Contact to an Indium Arsenide Nanowire”,” Applied Physics Letters 99, vol. 99, pp. 063110, 2011
M. C. Moore, Guimard, N., Shi, L., and Roy, K., “Designer Nanoparticles: Incorporating Size, Shape, and Triggered Release into Nanoscale Drug Carriers,” Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 479–495, 2010
I. K. Hsu, Pettes, M. T., Aykol, M., Shi, L., and Cronin, S. B., “The Effect of Gas Environment on Electrical Heating in Suspended Carbon Nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 108, pp. 084307, 2010
F. Zhou, Moore, A. L., Pettes, M. T., Lee, Y., Seol, J. H., Ye, Q. L., Rabenberg, L., and Shi, L., “Effect of Growth Base Pressure on the Thermoelectric Properties of Indium Antimonide Nanowires,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 43, pp. 025406, 2010
A. Mavrokefalos, Lin, Q., Beekma, M., Seol, J. H., Lee, Y. J., Kong, H. J., Pettes, M. T., Johnson, D. C., and L. Shi, “In-Plane Thermal and Thermoelectric Properties of Misfit-Layered [(PbSe)0.99]x(WSe2)x Superlattice Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 96., pp. 181908, 2010
N. T. Nguyen, Berseth, P. A., Lin, Q., Chiritescu, C., Cahill, D. G., Mavrokefalos, A., Shi, L., Zschack, P., Anderson, M. D., Anderson, I. M., and Johnson, D. C., “Synthesis and Properties of Turbostratically Disordered Ultrathin WSe2 Films,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 2750–2756, 2010
W. W. Cai, Moore, A. L., Zhu, Y., Li, X., Chen, S., Shi, L., and Ruoff, R. S., “Thermal Transport in Suspended and Supported Monolayer Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Nano Letters, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1645-1651, 2010
J. H. Seol, Jo, I., Moore, A. L., Lindsay, L., Aitken, Z. H., Pettes, M. T., Li, X., Yao, Z., Huang, R., Broido, D., Mingo, N., Ruoff, R. S., and Shi, L., “Two Dimensional Phonon Transport in Supported Graphene,” Science, vol. 9, no. 328, pp. 213–216, 2010
B. Li, Luo, Z. Q., Shi, L., Zhou, J. P., Rabenberg, L. K., Ho, P. S., Allen, R. A., and Cresswell, M. W., “Controlled Formation and Resistivity Scaling of Nickel Silicide Nanolines,” Nanotechnology 20, vol. 20, pp. 085304, 2009
J. Baxter, Bian, Z., Chen, G., Danielson, D., Dresselhaus, M. S., Fedorov, A. G., Fisher, T. S., Jones, C. W., Maginn, E., Kortshagen, U., Manthiram, A., Nozik, A., Rolison, D., Sands, T., Shi, L., Sholl, D., and Wu, Y., Nanoscale Design to Enable the Revolution in Renewable Energy, Energy & Environmental Science, vol.2, pp. 559–588, 2009
I. K. Hsu, Pettes, M. T., Bushmaker, A., Aykol, M., Shi, L., and Cronin, S. B., “Optical Absorption and Thermal Transport of Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotube Bundles,” Nano Letters, vol. 9, pp. 590–594, 2009
M. T. Pettes and Shi, L., Thermal and Structural Characterizations of Individual Single-, Double-, and Multi- Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 19., pp. 3918–3925. 2009
A. L. Moore, Cummings, A. T., Jensen, J. M., Shi, L., and Koo, J. H., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Nylon 11-Carbon Nanofiber Nanocomposites,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 131, pp. 091602, 2009
A. L. Moore, Pettes, M. T., Zhou, F., and Shi, L., “Thermal Conductivity Suppression in Bismuth Nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 106, pp. 034310, 2009
L. Shi, Zhou, J. H., Kim, P., Bachtold, A., McEuen, P. L., and Majumdar, A., “Thermal Probing of Energy Dissipation in Current-Carrying Carbon Nanotubes,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105, pp. 104306, 2009
A. Mavrokefalos, Moore, A. L., Pettes, M. T., Shi, L., Wang, W., and Li, X. G., “Thermoelectric and Structural Characterizations of Individual Electrodeposited Bismuth Telluride Nanowires,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 105, pp. 104318, 2009
L. Shi, “Comment on ‘Length-dependant thermal conductivity of an individual single-wall carbon nanotube’,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 92, pp. 206103, 2008
L. C. Glangchai, Moore, M. C., Shi, L., and Roy, K., “Nanoimprint Lithography Based Fabrication of Shape-specific, Enzymatically-Triggered Smart Nanoparticles,” J. Controlled Release, vol. 125, 2008
I. K. Hsu, Kumar, R., Bushmaker, A., Cronin, S. B., Pettes, M. T., Shi, L., Brintlinger, T., Fuhrer, M. S., and Cumings, J., “Optical Measurement of Thermal Transport in Suspended Carbon Nanotubes,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 92, pp. 063119, 2008
A. L. Moore, Saha, S. K., Prasher, R. S., and Shi, L., “Phonon Backscattering and Thermal Conductivity Suppression in Sawtooth Nanowires,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 93, pp. 083112, 2008
T. Borca-Tasciuc, Cahill, D. G., Chen, G., Cronin, S. B., Daiguji, H., Dames, C., Fushinobu, K., Inoue, T., Majumdar, A., Maruyama, S., Miyazaki, K., Matsumoto, M., Norris, P. M., Shi, L., Shibahara, M., Shannon, M., Shiomi, J., Taguchi, Y., Takahashi, K., Tsuruta, T., Volz, S. G., Wang, E., Xu, X. F., Yang, B., and Yang, R. G., Report on 6th US-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena Science and Engineering, Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, vol. 12., pp. 273–293, 2008
N. P. Malcolm, Heltzel, A. J., Sokolov, K. V., Shi, L., and Howell, J. R., “Simulation of a Plasmonic Tip-Terminated Scanning Nanowire Waveguide for Molecular Imaging,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 93, pp. 193101, 2008
A. Mavrokefalos, Pettes, M. T., Zhou, F., and Shi, L., “Four-Probe Measurements of the In-Plane Thermoelectric Properties of Nanofilms,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 78, pp. 034901, 2007
J. H. Seol, Moore, A. L., Saha, S. K., Zhou, F., Shi, L., Ye, Q., Scheffler, R., Mingo, N., and Yamada, T., “Measurement and Analysis of Thermopower and Electrical Conductivity of an Indium Antimonide Nanowire from a Vapor-Liquid-Solid Method,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 101, pp. 023706, 2007
Y. Wang, Luo, Z., Li, B., Ho, P. S., Yao, Z., Shi, L., Bryan, E., and Nemanich, R., “Comparison Study of Catalyst Nanoparticle Formation and Carbon Nanotube Growth: Support Effect,” J. App. Phys., vol. 101, pp. 124310, 2007
F. Zhou, Szczech, J., Pettes, M. T., Moore, A. L., Song, J., and Shi, L., “Determination of Transport Properties in Chromium Disilicide Nanowires via Combined Thermoelectric and Structural Characterizations,” Nano Letters, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1649–1654, 2007
A. Mavrokefalos, Nguyen, N. T., Pettes, M. T., Johnson, D. C., and Shi, L., “In-Plane Thermal Conductivity of Disordered Layered WSe2 and (W)x(WSe2)y Superlattice Films,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 91, pp. 17912, 2007
S. K. Saha and Shi, L., “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thermal Transport at a Nanometer Scale Constriction in Silicon,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 101, pp. 074304, 2007
Y. Wang, Li, B., Ho, P. S., Yao, Z., and Shi, L., “Effect of Supporting Layer on Growth of Carbon Nanotubes by Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 89, pp. 183113, 2006
F. Zhou, Seol, J. H., Moore, A. L., Shi, L., Ye, Q., and Scheffler, R., “One Dimensional Electron Transport and Thermopower In an Individual InSb Nanowire,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 18, no. 42, pp. 9651–9657, 2006
C. H. Yu, Saha, S. K., Zhou, J. H., Shi, L., Cassell, A. M., Cruden, B. A., Ngo, Q., and Li, J., “Thermal Contact Resistance and Thermal Conductivity of a Carbon Nanofiber,” Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 128, no. 3, pp. 234–239, 2006